Collections available in the WorldCat knowledge base (Fundamentals)

Find a list of collections available in the global WorldCat knowledge base.

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Collection Manager, see Collections available in the WorldCat knowledge base.

Collections in the WorldCat knowledge base

Collections available in the WorldCat knowledge base - Updated monthly

Find a spreadsheet of all collections currently available in the WorldCat knowledge base and information about the collections including:

  • Provider ID
  • Provider Name
  • Collection ID
  • Collection Name
  • Total Records Available
  • Percentage of OCLC Number Coverage (0-100%)
    • Percentage of items on which you can set WorldCat holdings and get WorldCat MARC records. If a title does not have an OCLC number when you select it, you will automatically receive a record when an OCLC number is added. OCLC numbers are not required for links to appear in WorldCat Discovery.
  • Open Access (Yes or No)
  • Active / Discontinued (Active or Discontinued)
Link scheme values See the link schemes supported by the WorldCat knowledge base. See Link scheme values and overrides for instructions. Updated monthly
WorldShare Interlibrary Loan usage summary See collections that libraries have enabled for interlibrary loan. The information might align with your decision to lend. See Collection-level settings in knowledge base collections, ILL allowed & Instructions for help to configure the setting in your collections. Updated monthly
Knowledge base providers with direct article linking See providers that have some collections for which OCLC uses vendor accession numbers for direct article linking in WorldCat Discovery. For more information, see How clustered results are displayed. Updated as installed
List of collections for which cooperative management changes are retained Find information about Cooperative management of WorldCat knowledge base collections including how to Update title information for existing collections. Updated monthly

Content available through WorldCat Discovery