
Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the SubmitForReview macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax BOOL = CS.SubmitForReview (sSymbol)
Use to Submit a bibliographic or authority record, or records selected in a list, for peer review to libraries that you specify by one or more OCLC institution symbols.
When offline, marks local record(s) for batch submit.

Same as using the Action > Submit for Review menu command.
Parameters For sSymbol, enter one or more OCLC institution symbols. If more than one, separate by semicolons (;). Enter in upper- or lowercase. Spaces are optional.

  • abc; def; xyz
  • You must be logged on to run this macro immediately. When offline, marks local save file record(s) ready for batch processing (R).
  • Maximum length for the string of institution codes is 255 characters.
Return values TRUE if the action is successful, or FALSE if not.
Example Sub Main()

     Dim CS As Object
     Dim bResult As Integer

     Set CS = GetObject(,“Connex.Client”)

     If CS.IsOnline = False Then
          CS.Logon ““, ““, ““
     End If

     CS.Search “BS”, “sf:1”

     bResult = CS.SubmitForReview(ocl;trn)

     If bResult = True Then
          MsgBox “Record successfully sent for review”
          MsgBox “Record not sent for review”
     End If
End Sub

What this example does
  • Logs on to Connexion if not already logged on, using the default authorization and password you selected in Tools > Options > Authorizations tab.
  • Searches the online bibliographic save file for save file record number 1.
  • Submits the record to two libraries with OCLC symbols ocl and trn.
  • If successful, returns the message: Record successfully sent for review. If not, returns the message: Record not sent for review.

     Note: To locate records that others have sent to your library for review, use CS.Search("BR", ""). See Search macro descriptions for more information.