
Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the InsertMode macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax BOOL = CS.InsertMode
Use to Indicate or change the insert mode (insert mode on or off).
Parameters None
Comments The record window must be the current (top-most window) for this command to work.
Return values TRUE if the insert mode is on, or FALSE if not.
Example Sub Main()

     Dim CS As Object
     Set CS = GetObject(“Connex.Client”)

     Dim bInsertMode As Integer

     bInsertMode = CS.InsertMode

     If bInsertMode = True Then
          MsgBox “Insert mode is on”
          MsgBox “Insert mode is off”
     End If

     CS.InsertMode = False

     If CS.InsertMode = True Then
          MsgBox “Insert mode is on”
          MsgBox “Insert mode is off”
     End If
End Sub

What this example does
  • Checks to see if the insert mode is on and returns the message Insert mode is on, or if not, returns the message Insert mode is off.
  • Turns the insert mode off.
  • Checks to see if the insert mode is on and returns a message. In this case, the program will return the message Insert mode is off, since the previous command turned it off.