3. Use the Label Program Help file

Learn how to use the TourGuide and Label Program Help in the Cataloging Label Program.

Use the TourGuide

From the Help menu, click TourGuide. Follow the prompts on the screens.

Use the Label Program Help

Caution for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users: Although the Label Program is compatible with Vista, the Label Program Help file is not compatible. Microsoft discontinued support for some legacy Help files (file extension *.hlp) with its Vista release. See more information on the Microsoft Web site. To continue using the Labels Help in Vista, you can download the legacy Help viewer from Microsoft.

What information is available?

  • Step-by-step procedures
  • Reference information
  • Context-sensitive explanations of menu commands, toolbar buttons, and dialog boxes

Help contents

The major sections of Help are:

  • Label Program Basics
  • Prepare to Print Labels
  • Manage Label Files
  • Create Label Files in Passport for Windows Software
  • Import Labels
  • Search Label Files
  • Process Labels from a List
  • View Labels
  • Edit Labels
  • Create New Labels
  • Print Copies of Labels
  • Print Labels for Multiple Copies or Parts
  • Print Labels Now
  • Print Labels in Batches

How to find information in Help

Method How to use
Browse the Help table of contents (see list above) From the Help menu, click Contents.
Click image on the toolbar.
Search or browse the Help keyword index From the Help menu, click Index and type a word or phrase.
Build and search a full-text index of Help
  1. From the Help menu, click Contents or Index.
  2. Click the Find tab and follow prompts to create a full-text index of Help.
  3. Type a word or phrase.
Open a context-specific Help topic Click a Help button in a dialog box.
Press <F1>.
  1. From the toolbar, click image or press <Shift><F1> (turns the cursor into a Help pointer).
  2. Use the Help pointer to click a menu command, toolbar button, or area of the main Label Program window.