About Cataloging Label Program

Find an overview of the features available in the Cataloging Label Program.


The Cataloging Label Program allows users to create labels or import labels for editing and printing. The Lable Program imports label content from files generated by Connexion or WorldCat Cataloging Partners. 

Flexible label viewing

You can view all labels, or search for specific labels by spine call number, author or title. Limit these results by edit status or print status, so you can find all labels at the same point in your workflow. Multiple results are displayed in a truncated data table that can be sorted by column. Double-click a label to pull up the full record for editing.

Lots of labeling options

Numerous options are available for the display and printing of labels:

Simple label management

You can manage your label files by reviewing statistics such as total labels in a file, labels edited, and labels printed. You can also: