Cookie statement

Learn how cookies are used in CONTENTdm and find which cookies are used based on your settings.

About cookies used in CONTENTdm

A cookie is a file which is stored on your device (e.g., a computer or smartphone) when you visit a CONTENTdm website. They play an important role in helping the function, performance, and user experience of the websites.

We keep track of cookies used in CONTENTdm on this page. We may post updates to this list when changes on cookie usage are made.

Cookies used

Below is the list of cookies/internal storage that are used on CONTENTdm websites.

Cookie Purpose First/Third party Lifespan
JSESSIONID Unique identifier used for session, login tracking 1st party Session
locale Tracks the locale as selected by the user 1st party Session
userGridViewEnabled Tracks the grid/list view as selected by the user 1st party Session
saveditems List of saved collection and item identifiers of the items saved by the user 1st party Indefinite


If your site choose to enable Google Analytics, then you have these additional cookies:

Cookie Purpose First/Third party Lifespan
Google Analytics 3rd party Session


If your site choose to turn on AddThis functionality, then you have these additional cookies:

Cookie Purpose First/Third party Lifespan
AddThis 3rd party Session