Create a project

Learn how to create a project in the Project Client.

Before creating a project, your administrator must have installed CONTENTdm and configured your CONTENTdm Server with at least one collection.

  1. From the Project Client Home tab, click Create New Project. The New Project wizard displays.
  2. Enter the CONTENTdm Server URL and your login credentials. Click Next
    • The URL may begin with either http or https protocols. 
    • is an example of a CONTENTdm Server URL.
  3. Select the collection where you will upload items from the Choose collection drop-down. Click Next.
    • When you upload items from your project, they will always go to the specified collection's pending queue to await approval by an administrator. 
  4. Name your project or review the name provided.
    • The name should not exceed more than 128 letters, numbers and spaces. Only alphanumeric characters may be used.
    • Project names are used only within the Project Client to help you organize your work. They do not display to the end user.
  5. (Optional).  If you want to make this project available to other Project Client users, check Share this project on a network with other users. The items are saved in the Project Client and project settings to the shared project location you specify.
    • Only one user at a time can work with a shared project. Simultaneous editing is not supported. For more information, see Share a project
  6. Click Finish.
  7. The Home tab displays, with the project you created as the active project. 

Edit Project

Once a project is created, the Project Name can be edited using the Edit Project screen. To use the Edit Project screen:

  1. From the Project drop-down, select Edit Project.
  2. Select the CONTENTdm Server URL.
  3. Select the Collections and Project to be edited.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enter the CONTENTdm Server URL and your login credentials.
  6. Edit the Project Name.
  7. Click Ok.