About reports

Find details about the reports produced by the Digital Archive.

The Digital Archive produces a variety of reports to help you monitor the health of your content in the Archive. Reports for your content can be viewed at http://worldcat.org/digitalarchive/reports. You will be prompted for an authorization and password when you access this site. Use the Reports login ID which was sent in the welcome e-mail when you ordered the Digital Archive.  

Within the Digital Archive Reports Web site, your reports are organized in folders by report type. Within a folder for a specific report type, the reports are organized chronologically by year, then by month. Within a month you will see two copies of each report generated by the system, a copy encoded in XML and a copy encoded in HTML. The HTML is easily viewable online.

The XML can be used with one of the templates in the Templates folder to move the report information into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (http://worldcat.org/digitalarchive/reports/templates).