Use the Digital Collection Gateway

Find information about logging in to the Digital Collection Gateway and managing collection profiles, mapping metadata, previewing records in WorldCat, managing synchronization schedules, and reviewing reports of past synchronizations.

After you have enabled WorldCat Sync on your CONTENTdm Server and have registered with the Digital Collection Gateway, you can log in to the Digital Collection Gateway and manage collection profiles, map metadata, preview records in WorldCat, manage synchronization schedules, and review reports of past synchronizations.

Log in and review the collection list

After you have enabled WorldCat Sync on your CONTENTdm Server and have registered with the Digital Collection Gateway, you can log in to the Digital Collection Gateway and manage the harvesting of your collections with WorldCat.

You can access the Log In page through CONTENTdm Administration or by going directly to the Digital Collection Gateway.

Log in to the Digital Collection Gateway directly

  1. Using a browser, navigate to
  2. Enter your Digital Collection Gateway user name and password and then click Sign In. The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway Home page displays.

Log in to the Digital Collection Gateway from CONTENTdm Administration

  1. Open CONTENTdm Administration.
  2. Click the Server tab.
  3. Click Settings. The Server Settings page displays. If the server had been registered with the Digital Collection Gateway, a Login link displays in the WorldCat Sync section of the page.
  4. Click Login. The Digital Collection Gateway Login page displays.
  5. Enter your user name and password and then click Sign In. The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway Home page displays.

The Home page displays a list of all active and inactive collections on your CONTENTdm Server:

  • Active collections: Collections enabled for WorldCat Sync. Active collections can have the following statuses:
    • Enabled: Enabled for WorldCat Sync and has an approved Metadata Map and synchronization schedule.
    • Disabled: Enabled for WorldCat Sync but no synchronizations are scheduled.
    • New: Enabled for WorldCat Sync since you last logged in.
    • Syncing: Synchronization currently in progress for this collection.
  • Inactive collections: Collections that were previously enabled for WorldCat Sync, but are currently disabled in CONTENTdm Administration server settings. (Inactive collections can be activated by re-enabling them for WorldCat Sync in CONTENTdm Administration.)

To access the collection profile, click the Collection Profile View link. To edit the metadata map for a collection, click the Metadata Map Edit link.

Mapping metadata

The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway enables you to map records in a MARC record preview. As you adjust how records appear in the different views, you are creating a map that affects how the entire collection is processed by the Gateway. In other words, changes to the map in one record affect all records in the collection. Likewise, changes to the map in one view affect all the views (WorldCat search results and MARC). The Metadata Map is saved as part of the Profile for each collection.

When you choose to edit the metadata map, the Digital Collection Gateway harvests metadata from the CONTENTdm Server and maps it. The records are then displayed for review. As you review and edit the map, the changes are checked to ensure valid MARC records. (Records are never loaded to WorldCat until you approve the map you have created.)

 Note: We recommend you use the Qualified Dublin Core template, the Gateway's default setting for CONTENTdm sites, in your collections to facilitate metadata mapping with WorldCat.

After your metadata map is adjusted to your satisfaction, you approve it and your first synchronization with WorldCat begins. The Gateway's default schedule for synchronizing collections is once per quarter, but you can adjust this using the Sync Schedule. For more information, see Scheduling uploads.

Access the metadata map

The Digital Collection Gateway enables you to edit the metadata map through record previews. Click the Metadata Map Edit link for any Active collection. A progress screen may display as the map is loaded. 

Select a metadata map template

The first time you edit the metadata map for a collection, you can select a Metadata Map template. When you click the Metadata Map Edit link, the Select Metadata Map dialog box displays the template options of the System Default Template or the metadata map for another previously edited collection. Any changes you make to the Metadata Map affect only the current collection. In other words, changes you make to the Metadata Map for this collection do not propagate to other Metadata Maps.

 Note: You can also choose a new metadata map template later by selecting Reset Metadata Map while on the Metadata Map Edit page.

Mapping metadata

The Digital Collection Gateway provides several ways to edit the metadata map. Map changes are validated as you make them.

For each displayed field, you can perform the following mapping changes by clicking on the yellow box surrounding the field and selecting from the drop-down list. Each change you make to the map affects how all records in the collection are mapped.

  • No mapping — If you click No Mapping from the drop-down list, the current field is removed from the map. The metadata is not deleted from your CONTENTdm Server. The metadata is ignored as it is synchronized with WorldCat.
  • Replace — If you select another source metadata field from the drop-down list and click Replace, the currently displayed metadata field is replaced with the newly selected metadata field.
  • Add — If you select another source metadata field from the drop-down list and click Add, you will add the newly selected metadata field to the current position in the display. (Some elements of the WorldCat Search View and MARC View do not allow multiple fields to be displayed at once so your change may not be visible in the current view.)

Tips for mapping metadata:

  • To see more mappable fields in any display, click the More drop-down list at the top of the page, then select Show Unmapped Fields. A template record with additional mappable fields will be displayed on your source metadata. Each of the template record fields show up as metadata surrounded by a blue box. Click on the blue boxes to edit the mappings, the same way you would for other fields. To hide the template, click the More drop-down list at the top of the page, then select Hide Unmapped Fields.
  • You can edit the metadata map using either of the different views of the data and your collection: WorldCat Search View and MARC view. You also can use the Collection-Wide Metadata Viewer, which provides a way to evaluate how frequently fields are used in this collection on your CONTENTdm server.
  • Each change you make to the map is immediately saved to the map. To undo all changes made to a map within a session, click Cancel. Or, save changes to work with later by clicking Finish Later.
  • You can restore the default map and remove any mappings you have made in the past by clicking the Restore Default Map link. In this dialog, you can select a metadata map template from a drop-down list.
  • To save changes, approve and sync, click Approve Map & Sync.

Navigate the preview of your collection

While editing the Metadata Map, you can navigate through each record in your collection using either the grey arrows above the preview image, the navigation slider for relative movement in the preview of your collection, or by using the Go to Record option to navigate directly to a specific record.

Use the WorldCat Search View

Access the WorldCat Search View by clicking the Metadata Map Edit link from the Digital Collection Gateway Home page, and then clicking the WorldCat Search View tab. The search view is what the user would see as a brief search result for the item when metadata matches a WorldCat search query. 

For additional editing help, refer to Digital Collection Gateway View and edit the metadata map

Use the MARC View

Access the MARC View by clicking the Metadata Map Edit link from the Digital Collection Gateway Home page, and then clicking the MARC View tab. The MARC View displays what happens in the background when the source metadata is translated to a MARC record.

 Note: Fixed fields are not adjustable and display as an "Internet Resource, Monograph" in WorldCat.

For additional editing help, refer to Digital Collection Gateway View and edit the metadata map

Analyze the source metadata

The Gateway provides two tools that help you analyze the metadata for your collection: Dublin Core Summary and Frequency Analysis. To view the contents of each of the fields in your collection, click the More drop-down list at the top of the page, then select Open Dublin Core summary in new window. To view a Frequency Analysis of the metadata field names from your collection, click the More drop-down list at the top of the page, and select Open Frequency Analysis in new window.

Approve the map

After you have edited the metadata map, you can approve the map and synchronize your collection with WorldCat from the Edit Metadata Map page.

Approve the metadata map

On the Edit Metadata Map page:

  1. Click Approve Map & Sync. A confirmation dialog displays. Click OK to save the approved map in the Profile for this collection and to start synchronizing the collection. A progress dialog displays.
  2. The Digital Collection Gateway Home page displays, with the collection’s Next Sync time updated, as the collection is harvested from the CONTENTdm Server and loaded into WorldCat.

Depending on the size of the collection, your changes will display in WorldCat as the synchronization completes.

After the synchronization completes, a WorldCat Sync Report is available in the Reports section of the Digital Collection Gateway (for more information, see Reviewing Reports). You can now synchronize the OCLC numbers from this synchronization into your CONTENTdm collection using CONTENTdm Administration. For more information, see Updatie collections with OCLC numbers.

Access and manage the collection profile

After you have enabled collections on your CONTENTdm Server for WorldCat Sync and have registered with the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway, those collections that you enabled have a profile. The profile is a collection of settings and information, including record processing, synchronization details, and metadata mapping.

When you view the collection profile, you view:

To change the WorldCat record processing setting select a setting, then click Save. The page refreshes, displaying the new setting selection.

For more information about synchronizing, see Scheduling uploads.

For more information, see Mapping metadata.

Access the collection profile

Each collection in the Active Collections list has a Collection Profile. To view the Collection Profile click the View link for the Collection Profile next to any Active Collection.

Schedule uploads

After your metadata map is adjusted to your satisfaction, you approve it, and your first synchronization (or upload) with WorldCat begins. An initial synchronization schedule for your collection is set at once per quarter, but you can adjust this using the Sync Schedule.

Access the Sync Schedule

After you have approved the metadata map, the Digital Collection Gateway Collection List displays a date for the next scheduled synchronization with WorldCat. This link helps you navigate to the Sync Schedule page.

  1. From the Collection List on the Digital Collection Gateway Home page:
  2. Click the Sync Schedule date for the collection. The Sync Schedule page for the selected collection displays.

View status

The Sync Schedule page provides the date of the last time the collection was harvested and synchronized with WorldCat, as well as the time of the next scheduled synchronization.

A Last Sync date does not display if the collection has never been synchronized.

Manage the Sync Schedule

The Digital Collection Gateway automatically synchronizes with your CONTENTdm collection quarterly by default (if the collection has been enabled and the metadata map has been approved). You can set your collection to synchronize at other regular intervals, on a specific date, or you can choose to start a synchronization immediately (i.e., ad-hoc sync).

Synchronize with WorldCat Immediately

Starting an immediate synchronization does not save or change the sync schedule. For example, if you have a scheduled synchronization planned for tomorrow, an ad-hoc, immediate sync today would harvest your collection and synchronize it with WorldCat, and the scheduled sync would start tomorrow.

  1. From the Sync Schedule page, click Sync with WorldCat Now. The Collection List page displays and the collection status is updated to “Syncing.” (You can click Refresh List to check for updated status.)

Change the Sync Schedule

Synchronizations are scheduled quarterly by default.

  1. From the Sync Schedule page, select a new interval for synchronization or select a specific date for the next synchronization by entering a date (mm-dd-yyyy format) or by clicking the calendar icon and choosing a date from the calendar view.

     Note: Specifying a date does not change the default interval for future synchronizations.

  2. Click Save to save the change. The change is saved and the Collection List page displays, with the Sync Schedule date updated for the selected collection.

Review WorldCat Sync Reports

After your collection metadata has been synchronized with WorldCat, you can view and download the WorldCat Sync reports, which capture what happened when your collections were harvested by the Digital Collection Gateway, mapped, and uploaded to WorldCat.

Reports provide information about settings, start and end times of the synchronization, processing summary information, errors, and the OCLC record numbers that were added or replaced.

Reports can be viewed in HTML format. Reports can be downloaded in XML and Microsoft Excel formats.

Access WorldCat Sync reports

After you've successfully logged in to the Gateway click Reports from the navigation menu at the top of the page. The Reports page displays.

The Reports page has features to help you navigate your reports easily for many collections. Each column of the Reports page can be sorted by clicking on the sort bar at the top of the column. Additionally, you can filter the report display by report type, collection name, or date. To remove the filters, delete the contents of any filter fields you set at the top of the page.