Archival file manager

The Archival File Manager handles the storage of files in archive volumes. If it is enabled, any file imported into the CONTENTdm collection using the Project Client is copied to the specified storage (volume) location.

The Archival File Manager also works with the OCLC Digital Archive, a service that stores digital originals in a secure, managed and separate environment. For more information, see CONTENTdm preservation archive

For more information about using display images and the Archival File Manager, see Display image settings and Managing archival files and high-resolution images.

Viewing and editing Archival File Manager settings

View Archival File Manager settings

  1. Open CONTENTdm Administration and select the collections tab.
  2. Click profile. The Collection Configuration page displays.

Archival File Manager settings are located in the Optional Collection Settings Summary section.

Edit Archival File Manager settings

  1. On the Collection Configuration page, click the edit link next to Archival File Manager. The Edit Archival File Manager Settings page displays.
  2. Edit the settings. (To revert to default settings, click Restore Default Settings and then click save changes.)

   Note: Editing Archival File Manager settings does not change the settings for existing files.  It only applies to new files as they are added to the collection using the Project Client.

Archival File Manager settings

Setting Definition Options
Save files to specified archive volume location Enables you to specify whether to copy all files to the specified storage (volume) location when they are added to the collection. No. Files are not copied to a storage location.

Yes. All files are copied to the specified storage location when they are added to the collection.
Volume size Allows you to define how large a volume is. If you use OTHER, enter the volume size in the text box. 1 GB
2 GB
4.7 GB (DVD-R) (default)
6 GB
8.5 GB (DVD-R DL)
10 GB
20 GB
30 GB
Volume name prefix Allows you to specify the root name of the volume. Default is Volume
OCLC symbol Specifies the OCLC symbol for your institution. If specified, it will be included in the volume manifest file generated by the Project Client for each archival volume so it can be used as the shipping manifest for ingest into the Digital Archive Optional.
  1. Click Save Changes. The Collection Configuration page displays with Archival File Manager settings updated.

Viewing and managing the volume list

When viewing and editing Archival File Manager settings, you can add volumes, or review and edit information about the archival file storage location (volume).

 Note: To specify whether the volume information is public (viewable in the public Web interface) or private (i.e., hidden and viewable only by CONTENTdm administrators), you need to edit the Archival File metadata field Hidden property.

As the volumes fill up, you can store the volumes in other locations. Then edit the volume list to record volume size and note the new location of the volume. For example, if you moved several volumes to DVD or changed the location of the volume and want to provide the URL, update the volume list with the new information.

Update a volume

  1. From the Edit Archival File Manager Setting page, click View Volume List. The Volume List page displays.
  2. Click Edit on the row of the volume name that you want to edit. The Edit Volume page displays.
  3. Edit the size and or location of the volume.

     Note: Updating information about volumes does not change the size or location of the actual archive volumes.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Create a new volume

Create a new volume to track existing archive volume locations. This step is unnecessary if you are using the Project Client to automatically create volumes.

  1. From the View Volume List page, click Add Volume. The Add Volume page displays.
  2. Select whether you want CONTENTdm to generate the volume name or to use a custom volume name that you specify.
  3. Click Add. The new volume name is listed as the last volume in the volume list.

Delete a new volume

  1. From the Edit Archival File Manager Setting page, click View Volume List. The Volume List page displays.
  2. In the row containing the volume name, click Delete. A dialog box displays, confirming you want to delete the volume.
  3. Click OK. The volume is removed from the volume list.

 Note: Removing a volume from the list does not delete the items within that volume; it removes the name of the volume from the server.