11. Field C08X – Holdings/LHR/Copy level - All materials

Description of field C08X – Holdings/LHR/Copy level - All materials.

For more MARC 21 documentation:


Character Description CBS MARC tag/sbf. PICA+ tag/sbf. Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export
  All materials C08X 214X  
00-05 Date entered on file $a $a
  • During import from MARC 21 general

Date entered on file is – under certain conditions – converted to tag 2252 / 202W - Date of creation in original database of main level data -.

  • During online cataloguing

The date is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The date of CBS tag 2200 / 201A Source and date of creation of copy data is taken, if present. When tag 2200 / 201A is not present, the date is taken from tag 2210 / 201B Source and date of the last transaction of copy data. When there is no CBS tag 2210 / 201B six zeros are generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

The date of CBS tag 2200 / 201A Source and date of creation of copy data is taken, if present. When tag 2200 / 201A is not present, the date is taken from tag 2210 / 201B Source and date of the last transaction of copy data. When there is no CBS tag 2210 / 201B six zeros are generated.

06 Receipt or acquisition status


0 - Unknown

1 - Other receipt or acquisition status

2 - Received and complete or ceased

3 - On order

4 - Currently received

5 - Not currently received

6 - External access
$b $b
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is x - Single-part item holdings -, the value 2 - Received and complete or ceased - is generated; in all other cases, 0 - Unknown - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is x - Single-part item holdings -, the value 2 - Received and complete or ceased - is generated; in all other cases, 0 - Unknown - is generated.

Method of acquisition


c - Cooperative or consortial purchase

d - Deposit

e - Exchange

f - Free

g - Gift

l - Legal deposit

m - Membership

n - Non-library purchase

p - Purchase

q - Lease

u - Unknown

z - Other method of acquisition

$c $c
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, u - Unknown - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, u - Unknown - is generated.

Expected acquisition end date


<yymm> - Date of cancellation or last expected part

uuuu - Intent to cancel; effective date not known

#### - No intent to cancel or not applicable

$d $d
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, #### - No intent to cancel or not applicable - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, #### - No intent to cancel or not applicable - is generated.

General retention policy


0 - Unknown

1 - Other general retention policy

2 - Retained except as replaced by updates

3 - Sample issue retained

4 - Retained until replaced by microform

5 - Retained until replaced by cumulation, replacement volume, or revision

6 - Retained for a limited period

7 - Not retained

8 - Permanently retained


$e $e
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, 0 - Unknown - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, 0 - Unknown - is generated.
13-15 Specific retention policy      

Policy type (MARC) / Qualifier type (OCLC MARC)


# - No specific retention policy

l - Latest

p - Previous


$f $f
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, # - No specific retention policy - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, # - No specific retention policy - is generated.

Number of units

# - No information provided

1-9 - Number of units

$g $g
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, # - No information provided - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, # - No information provided - is generated.

Unit type

# - No information provided

m - Month(s)

w - Week(s)

y - Year(s)

e - Edition(s)

i - Issue(s)

s - Supplement(s)



$h $h
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, # - No information provided - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, # - No information provided - is generated.
16 Completeness


0 - Other

1 - Complete

2 - Incomplete

3 - Scattered

4 - Not applicable
$i $i
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is u - Unknown - , the value 0 - Other - is generated.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is v - Multipart item holdings -, the value 0 - Other - is generated.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is x - Single-part item holdings -, the value 4 - Not applicable - is generated.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is y - Serial item holdings -, the value 0 - Other - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is u - Unknown- , the value 0 - Other - is generated.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is v - Multipart item holdings -, the value 0 - Other - is generated.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is x - Single-part item holdings -, the value 4 - Not applicable - is generated.
    • When the value is missing and Leader (on LHR level) position 06 - Type of record - is y - Serial item holdings -, the value 0 - Other - is generated.
17-19 Number of copies reported $j $j
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, 001 is generated as a default.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, 001 is generated as a default.

Lending policy


a - Will lend

b - Will not lend

c - Will lend hard copy only

l - Limited lending policy

u - Unknown

$k $k
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, u - Unknown - is generated as a default.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, u - Unknown - is generated as a default.

Reproduction policy


a - Will reproduce

b - Will not reproduce

u - Unknown

$l $l
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, u - Unknown - is generated as a default.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, u - Unknown - is generated as a default.



### - Blanks

und - Undetermined

MARC code list for languages

$m $m
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, ### - Blanks - is generated as a default.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, ### - Blanks - is generated as a default.

Separate or composite copy report (MARC) / Separate copy report (OCLC MARC)


0 - Separate copy report

1 - Composite copy report

$n $n
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, 0 - Separate copy report - is generated as a default.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, 0 - Separate copy report - is generated as a default.
26-31 Date of report $o $o
  • During import from MARC 21 general

This value is imported.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, six zeros are generated as a default.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When this value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, six zeros are generated as a default.

Note: April 2021: Not yet implemented both for the CBS MARC 21 export (MDT-5251).