05. Fields M07D and C07D – Globe

General remarks for import

General remark for export

When a hash (#) is a value or part of a string of values, it is replaced by a blank during export.


Additional MARC 21 documentation

For more MARC 21 documentation:

Character Description CBS MARC tag / sbf. PICA+ tag / sbf. Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export
  Globe – 00 = d M07D 013D  
    C07D 213D  
00 Category of material $a $a Value must be “d”.
01 Specific material designation $b $b
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.
  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
02 Undefined $c $c
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $c. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value blank is generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value blank is generated.

03 Color $d $d
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.
  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
04 Physical medium $e $e
05 Type of reproduction Sf $f


General remark (March 2020)

Although in the OCLC MARC 21 documentation, the fill characters (|) are not mentioned and other sources say that the fill character is not valid in any bibliographic 007 position, nevertheless we consider these as valid values, because they occur in records in WorldCat and can be selected from dropdown menus in Record Manager.