Leader – Holdings/LHR/Copy level

Description of field C000 – Leader – Holdings/LHR/Copy level in the CBS MARC 21 database.
Character Description Explanation CBS MARC
Comment Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export
C000 202L
00-04 Record length System generated $a $a Although this subfield is not used in CBS MARC 21 currently, it has been defined in the CBS MARC 21 format for completeness.
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The record length is not put in subfield $a. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The record length is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The record length is not generated, but instead, 5 blanks are generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

The record length is not generated, but instead, 5 blanks are generated.

05 Record status Variable;

c - Corrected or revised

d - Deleted

n - New
$b $b
  • During import from MARC 21 general

If the record status is d - Deleted -, then this value is kept, but if not, the record status value is changed into (or remains) c - Corrected or revised -.

  • During online cataloguing

The following record status values can be added or updated: c or n. Value d is not allowed.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • The record status is exported. When the value is missing, c - Corrected or revised - is generated.
    • When tag 2240/201E - Source and date of offline deletion of copy data - is present, value d - Deleted - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • The record status is exported. When the value is missing, c - Corrected or revised - is generated.
    • When tag 2240/201E - Source and date of offline deletion of copy data - is present, value d - Deleted - is generated.
06 Type of record Variable;

u - Unknown

v - Multipart item holdings

x - Single-part item holdings

y - Serial item holdings
$c $c
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The type of record value is put in subfield $c.

  • During online cataloguing

All record type values can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • The record type is exported.
    • When Leader (on main/master level) position 07 - Bibliographic level - is b - Serial component part - or s - Serial -, the value y - Serial item holdings - is generated; if not, then value u - Unknown - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • The record type is exported.
    • When Leader (on main/master level) position 07 - Bibliographic level - is b - Serial component part -or s - Serial -, the value y - Serial item holdings - is generated; if not, then value u - Unknown - is generated.
07 Undefined $d $d
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $d. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

A blank is generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

A blank is generated.

08 Undefined $e $e
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $e. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

A blank is generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

A blank is generated.

09 Character coding scheme Variable;

# - MARC-8

a - UCS/Unicode
$f $f Although these subfields are not used in CBS MARC 21 currently, they have been defined in the CBS MARC 21 format for completeness.
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $f. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value a - UCS/Unicode - is exported.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value a - UCS/Unicode - is exported.

NB Only Unicode/UTF8 is used in CBS.

10 Indicator count Fixed value;

2 - Number of character positions used for indicators
$g $g
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $g. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value 2 is exported.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value 2 is exported.

11 Subfield code count Fixed value;

2 - Number of character positions used for a subfield code
$h $h
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $h. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value 2 is exported.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value 2 is exported.


Base address of data

System generated;

[number] - Length of Leader and Directory
$i $i
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $h. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value is not generated, but instead, 5 blanks are generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value is not generated, but instead, 5 blanks are generated.

17 Encoding level Variable;

1 - Holdings level 1

2 - Holdings level 2

3 - Holdings level 3

4 - Holdings level 4

5 - Holdings level 4 with piece designation

m - Mixed level

u - Unknown

z - Other level
$j $j
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is put in subfield $j.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • The value is exported.
    • When the value is missing, the following value is generated: u - Unknown -.1
  • During export to WorldCat
    • The value is exported.
    • When the value is missing, the following value is generated: u - Unknown -.1
18 Item information in record Variable;

i - Item information

n - No information
$k $k
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is put in subfield $k.

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • The value is exported.
    • If the value is missing:
      • When a tag C876 / 292Y, C877 / 292Z or C878 / 293A is present, the following value is generated: i - Item information -.
      • When a tag C876 / 292Y, C877 / 292Z or C878 / 293A is missing, the following value is generated: n - No item information -.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • The value is exported.
    • If the value is missing:
      • When a tag C876 / 292Y, C877 / 292Z or C878 / 293A is present, the following value is generated: i - Item information -.
      • When a tag C876 / 292Y, C877 / 292Z or C878 / 293A is missing, the following value is generated: n - No item information -.
19 Undefined $l $l Although these subfields are not used in CBS MARC 21 currently, they have been defined in the CBS MARC 21 format for completeness.
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $l. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

A blank is generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

A blank is generated.

20 Length of the length-of-field portion Fixed value;

4 - Number of characters in the length-of-field portion of a Directory entry
$m $m
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $m. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value 4 is exported.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value 4 is exported.

21 Length of the starting-character-position portion Fixed value;

5 - Number of characters in the starting-character-position portion of a Directory entry
$n $n
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $n. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value 5 is exported.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value 5 is exported.

22 Length of the implementation-defined portion Fixed value;

0 - Number of characters in the implementation-defined portion of a Directory entry
$o $o
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $o. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value 0 is exported.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value 0 is exported.

23 Undefined Fixed value (at the moment);

0 - Undefined
$p $p
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $p. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value 0 - Undefined - is exported.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value 0 - Undefined - is exported.

Note: December 2019: Not yet implemented both for the CBS MARC 21 import (MDT-5258) and the CBS MARC 21 export (MDT-5246).

1. If wanted, it is possible to make this more specific.