04. Replaced subfields when subfield $Z / $9 PPN is used

Links from title fields to authority files

Bibliographic fields Authority fields Replaced elements
by PPN link
MARC tag
PICA+ tag Description Linked
authority file
PICA+ field
M100 020A Main Entry - Personal Name Tp M100 020A
  • Surname
  • Forenames/initials/prefixes
  • Numeration
  • Titles and words associated with a name
  • Dates associated with a name
  • Attribution qualifier
  • Fuller form of name
M110 020K Main Entry - Corporate Name Tb M110 020K
  • Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
  • Subordinate unit
  • Location of meeting
  • Date of meeting or treaty signing
  • Miscellaneous information
  • Number of part/section/meeting
M111 020L Main Entry - Meeting Name Tc M111 020L
  • Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
  • Location of meeting
  • Subordinate unit
  • Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element
  • Date of meeting or treaty signing
  • Miscellaneous information
  • Number of part/section/meeting
M130 021E Main Entry - Uniform Title Tu M130 021E
  • Uniform title
  • Date of treaty signing
  • Date of a work
  • Miscellaneous information
  • Medium
  • Form subheading
  • Language of a work
  • Medium of performance for music
  • Numbering
  • Arranged statement for music
  • Name of part/section of a work
  • Key for music
  • Version
  • Title of a work
M240 013O Uniform Title Tu M130 021E See: M130 / 021E.
M382 043E Medium of Performance Ti M162 022K Medium of performance term
M600 070A Subject Added Entry - Personal Name Tp M100 020A See: M100 / 020A.
M610 070K Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name Tb M110 020K See: M110 / 020K.
M611 070L Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name Tc TM111 020L See: M111 / 020L.
M630 071E Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title Tu M130 021E See: M130 / 021E.
M647 071V Subject Added Entry - Named Event Td M147 021V
  • Named event
  • Location of named event
  • Date of named event
  • Miscellaneous information
M648 071W Subject Added Entry - Chronological Term Te M148 021W Chronological term
M650 071Y Subject Added Entry - Topical Term Tf M150 021Y
  • Topical term or geographic name entry element
  • Topical term following geographic name entry element
  • Miscellaneous information
M651 071Z Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name Tg M151 021Z
  • Geographic name
  • Miscellaneous information
M655 072D Index Term - Genre/Form Th M155 022D Genre/form term
M700 080A Added Entry - Personal Name Tp M100 020A See: M100 / 020A.
M710 080K Added Entry - Corporate Name Tb M110 020K See: M110 / 020K.
M711 080L Added Entry - Meeting Name Tc M111 020L See: M111 / 020L.
M730 081E Added Entry - Uniform Title Tu M130 021E See: M130 / 021E.
M751 081Z Added Entry - Geographic Name Tg M151 021Z See: M651 / 071Z.
L600 170A Subject Added Entry - Personal Name Tp M100 020A See: M100 / 020A.
L610 170K Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name Tb M110 020K See: M110 / 020K.
L611 170L Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name Tc M111 020L See: M111 / 020L.
L630 171E Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title Tu M130 021E See: M130 / 021E.
L650 171Y Subject Added Entry - Topical Term Tf M150 021Y See: M650 / 071Y.
L651 171Z Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name Tg M151 021Z See: M651 / 071Z.
L655 172D Index Term - Genre/Form Th M155 022D See: M655 / 072D.
L690 173M Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Topical Term Tf M150 021Y See: M650 / 071Y.
L691 173N Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Geographic Name Tg M151 021Z See: M651 / 071Z.
L696 173S Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Personal Name Tp M100 020A See: M100 / 020A.
L697 173T Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name Tb M110 020K See: M110 / 020K.
L698 173U Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name Tc M111 020L See: M111 / 020L.
L699 173V Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Uniform Title Tu M130 021E See: M130 / 021E.

Title-title links

Bibliographic fields Bibliographic fields Replaced elements by a PPN link Kind of linking
MARC tag
PICA+ tag Description Linked
M245 031T Title Statement M245 031T
  • Title
  • Remainder of title
Linking to the main title and remainders of the title of the (sub)umbrella record of a multivolume publication with weak titles.
M760 082I Main Series Entry M245 031T
  • Title
  • Remainder of title
  • Form
  • Number of part/section of a work
  • Name of part/section of a work
Linking to related record.

Important remark: although there is a PPN link to the field 245 / 031T - Title Statement - of the linked record, it does not imply that the whole field 245 / 031T of the linked record is relevant. The character of the fields 76X-78X / 082I-083J - Linking Entry Fields - is that they contain only a "reference" to the other record.
M762 082K Subseries Entry
M765 082N Original Language Entry
M767 082P Translation Entry
M770 082S Supplement/Special Issue Entry
M772 082U Supplement Parent Entry
M773 082V Host Item Entry
M774 082W Constituent Unit Entry
M775 082X Other Edition Entry
M776 082Y Additional Physical Form Entry
M777 082Z Issued With Entry
M780 083C Preceding Entry
M785 083H Succeeding Entry
M786 083I Data Source Entry
M787 083J Other Relationship Entry
M830 091E Series Added Entry – Uniform Title M245 031T
  • Title
  • Remainder of title
Linking to (sub)umbrella record of multivolume publication with strong titles and to umbrella record of series.

Authority-authority links

Authority fields Authority fields Linked authority file Replaced elements by a PPN link
MARC tag
PICA+ tag Description Linked CBS MARC field Linked
M500 060A See Also From Tracing – Personal Name M100 020A Heading – Personal Name Tp
  • Surname
  • Forenames/initials/prefixes
  • Numeration
  • Titles and words associated with a name
  • Dates associated with a name
  • Attribution qualifier
  • Fuller form of name
M510 060K See Also From Tracing – Corporate Name M110 020K Heading – Corporate Name Tb
  • Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
  • Subordinate unit
  • Location of meeting
  • Date of meeting or treaty signing
  • Miscellaneous information
  • Number of part/section/meeting
M511 060L See Also From Tracing – Meeting Name M111 020L Heading – Meeting Name Tc
  • Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
  • Location of meeting
  • Subordinate unit
  • Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element
  • Date of meeting or treaty signing
  • Miscellaneous information
  • Number of part/section/meeting
M530 061E See Also From Tracing – Uniform Title M130 021E Heading – Uniform Title Tu
  • Uniform title
  • Date of treaty signing
  • Date of a work
  • Miscellaneous information
  • Medium
  • Form subheading
  • Language of a work
  • Medium of performance for music
  • Numbering
  • Arranged statement for music
  • Name of part/section of a work
  • Key for music
  • Version
  • Title of a work
M547 061V See Also From Tracing – Named Event M147 021V Heading – Named Event Td
  • Named event
  • Location of named event
  • Date of named event
  • Miscellaneous information
M548 061W See Also From Tracing – Chronological Term M148 021W Heading – Chronological Term Te Chronological term
M550 061Y See Also From Tracing – Topical Term M150 021Y Heading – Topical Term Tf
  • Topical term or geographic name entry element
  • Topical term following geographic name entry element
  • Miscellaneous information
M551 061Z See Also From Tracing – Geographic Name M151 021Z Heading – Geographic Name Tg
  • Geographic name
  • Miscellaneous information
M555 062D See Also From Tracing – Genre/Form Term M155 022D Heading – Genre/Form Term Th Genre/form term
M562 062K See Also From Tracing – Medium of Performance Term M162 022K Heading – Medium of Performance Term Ti Medium of performance term
M580 063C See Also From Tracing – General Subdivision M180 023C Heading – General Subdivision Tj General subdivision
M581 063D See Also From Tracing – Geographic Subdivision M181 023D Heading – Geographic Subdivision Tk Geographic subdivision
M582 063E See Also From Tracing – Chronological Subdivision M182 023E Heading – Chronological Subdivision Tl Chronological subdivision
M585 063H See Also From Tracing – Form Subdivision M185 023H Heading – Form Subdivision Tm Form subdivision