03. Overview on new and former CBS fields - history on field level – authority format

Many CBS tags originate from the Dutch CBS format and the CBS MARC bibliographic format. In the following table, we mention the CBS and the PICA+ tag belonging to the CBS MARC 21 format (column 1 and 2), and the former PICA3 and PICA+ tag (column 3 and 4). This information may be important for existing CBSs, when the data is converted to the CBS MARC 21 format. When the PICA+ tag code has changed, we have marked it with green.

CBS tag PICA+ tag PICA3 tag PICA+ tag Description
0000 001@ 000 001@ ILN-bits, supplier code a.o.
0001 001X 00A 001X Owner main/master record, ORS flag
0100 003@ 797 003@ Record Control Number (PPN)
0200 001A 001 001A Source and date of creation of main/master level data
0210 001B 002 001B Source, date and time of the last transaction of main/master level data
0230 001D 003 001D Source and date of owner of main/master level data
0240 001E 004 001E Source and date of offline deletion of main/master level data
0250 001L n/a n/a Logical timestamp of the last transaction of the whole record (levels 0, 1 and 2)
0252 002W n/a n/a Date of creation (yymmdd) in original database of main/master level data
0300 001U 00K 001U Characterset – main/master level
0310 001M n/a n/a Code for cataloguing source – main/master level
0315 001Q 00Q 001Q Validation warnings
0320 009T n/a n/a URL checker – main/master level
0326 038L 796 038L Link of possible duplicate and score of offline matching
0500 002@ 005 002@ Bibliographic type and status
0501 002A n/a n/a Identifier for specific thesaurus
0603 003D 795 003D PPN of deduplicated record, i.e. Superseded PPN
0614 003O n/a n/a Control Number of the linked record in remote database (e.g. WorldCat)
0615 003P n/a n/a Control number of the linked record in remote database that is superseded by another number (e.g. WorldCat)
0622 003W 792 003W OCLC Work ID; used for FRBR.
0625 003Z n/a n/a Record control number of original database – main/master level
0900 098A n/a n/a Tag for storing data on level 0 of the PICA format
0901 098B 890 090A Data not in use anymore