01. Introduction

CBS fields

Several non-MARC 21 and non-OCLC MARC 21 fields are necessary for a CBS:

The PICA+ tags in the 001*, 101* and 201* ranges are reserved for real system tags.

Structure of CBS fields

We call both types of tags CBS fields. The CBS fields consist of 4 digits and the tag numbers are very logical. Tags starting with 0 apply to the main/master level, with 1 to the local/LBD level, and with “2” to the copy/holdings level. The only exception is tag H***, Holding header field, in the cataloguing format for indicating the start of a copy block. E.g. tag H001 is the start of the first copy block.

At the moment, the CBS MARC 21 authority format uses the levels main/master and local only.

Import and export of MARC 21 records

The non-MARC 21 and non-OCLC MARC tags are no part of the MARC 21 format, so they are not exported from a CBS to WorldCat. When importing MARC records into a CBS MARC 21 database, it is important to be aware of the (mandatory) non-MARC 21 and non-OCLC MARC 21 tags.

Filter or protect fields

In a CBS, you have the options to filter or to protect fields.

Only when you have system administrator rights, tags are not filtered nor protected.

Points of interest