06. Field 0700 / 011@ Date of publication – bibliographic format

Indicators and subfields

Field 0700 / 011@ is meant for the date of publication. It is a very important tag for a CBS, because it is used for matching and merging, and sorting of sets of title records. Also, special indexes and searching features are related to this tag. This tag is only suitable for the time period 0000 until the present day, so this tag is not applicable for the time before the Christian Era.

The table below shows the subfields of this tag.

CBS subfield PICA+ subfield Description Allowed values
<Indicator values> $S Indicators The first indicator is identical with tag 008 position 6 - Type of date/Publication status -.

The second indicator is always a hash (#).
$a $a Date of publication The structure of the date must be: yyyy, yyyymm or yyyymmdd.

The subfields may contain digits (0-9) and one or more capitals X. The letter u, or U (unknown), | (pipe symbol) and # (blanks) are not allowed and are replaced by X.

  • 197u is replaced by 197X
  • 19uu is replaced by 19XX
  • #### is replaced by XXXX

The string 9999 is replaced by XXXX.
$b $b Date of closing
$c $c Date of production / recording


Date of copyright
$e $e Date of original

Field 08A / 014A fixed-length data elements has a Date 1 (and a Date 2)

The table below gives an overview of the way Date 1 and Date 2 in tag M08A / 014A are converted to tag 0700 / 011@.

Tag 08A
pos. 6
Description Conversion to tag 0700 / 011@
b No dates given; B.C. date involved Not converted to 0700 / 011@
c Continuing resource currently published When a record is indicated as a continuing resource and the characters 11-14 - Date 2 - are empty, filled with uuuu, |||| or 9999, the contents of subfield $b - Date of closing - must be XXXX.
d Continuing resource ceased publication 008/07-10 contain the start date of publication and 008/11-14 contain the date the item ceased to be published. - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -.
e Detailed date The date contains the month (and possibly the day) in addition to the year. The structure of the date must be: yyyymm or yyyymmdd. The complete detailed date is put in subfield $a - Date of publication -, and not divided between subfields $a - Date of publication - and $b - Date of closing -.
i Inclusive dates of collection - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -. This happens also when - Date 1 - and - Date 2 - are equal.
k Range of years of bulk of collection - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -. This happens also when - Date 1 - and - Date 2 - are equal.
m Multiple dates - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -.

When a record is indicated as a continuing resource and the characters 11-14 - Date 2 - are empty, filled with uuuu, |||| or 9999, the contents of subfield $b - Date of closing - must be XXXX.
n Dates unknown Dates appropriate for 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 are unknown, e.g. when no dates are given in field 260.

- Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -, both with the contents XXXX. In these cases, it is no use to try to generate the dates from the tags 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint) - or 264 - Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice -, because these tags are not present.
p Date of distribution/release/issue and production/recording session when different Both a date of distribution/release/issue (008/07-10) and a date of production/recording (008/11-14) are present, because there is a difference between these two dates.

- Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $c - Date of production/recording -.
q Questionable date Earliest possible date is given in 008/07-10 and latest possible date in 008/11-14. - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -.
r Reprint/reissue date and original date - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $e - Date of original -.
s Single known date/probable date - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - is ignored.
t Publication date and copyright date Date of publication/release/production/execution is present in 008/07-10 and a copyright notice date or phonogram copyright notice date is present in 008/11-14.

- Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $d - Date of copyright -.
u Continuing resource status unknown 008/07-10 contain a beginning date of publication and 008/11-14 contain the characters uuuu since no ending date is known. - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -.
i No attempt to code When - Date 1 - and - Date 2 - contain pipe symbols, - Date 1 - is put in subfield $a - Date of publication - and - Date 2 - in subfield $b - Date of closing -, both with the contents XXXX.

Points of interest