09. Fields 6XX – Subject Access Fields – bibliographic and holdings format

How must this table be read?


For more MARC 21 documentation:


M21 tag Description CBS MARC tag - main/master level PICA+ tag -main/master level CBS MARC tag -
local level
PICA+ tag -
local level
CBS MARC 21 tag -
copy level
PICA+ tag -
copy level
600 Subject Added Entry – Personal Name M600 070A L600 170A C600 270A
601   M601 070B L601 170B C601 270B
602   M602 070C L602 170C C602 270C
603   M603 070D L603 170D C603 270D
604   M604 070E L604 170E C604 270E
605   M605 070F L605 170F C605 270F
606   M606 070G L606 170G C606 270G
607   M607 070H L607 170H C607 270H
608   M608 070I L608 170I C608 270I
609   M609 070J L609 170J C609 270J
610 Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name M610 070K L610 170K C610 270K
611 Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name M611 070L L611 170L C611 270L
612   M612 070M L612 170M C612 270M
613   M613 070N L613 170N C613 270N
614   M614 070O L614 170O C614 270O
615   M615 070P L615 170P C615 270P
616   M616 070Q L616 170Q C616 270Q
617   M617 070R L617 170R C617 270R
618   M618 070S L618 170S C618 270S
619   M619 070T L619 170T C619 270T
620   M620 070U L620 170U C620 270U
621   M621 070V L621 170V C621 270V
622   M622 070W L622 170W C622 270W
623   M623 070X L623 170X C623 270X
624   M624 070Y L624 170Y C624 270Y
625   M625 070Z L625 170Z C625 270Z
626   M626 071A L626 171A C626 271A
627   M627 071B L627 171B C627 271B
628   M628 071C L628 171C C628 271C
629   M629 071D L629 171D C629 271D
630 Subject Added Entry – Uniform Title M630 071E L630 171E C630 271E
631   M631 071F L631 171F C631 271F
632   M632 071G L632 171G C632 271G
633   M633 071H L633 171H C633 271H
634   M634 071I L634 171I C634 271I
635   M635 071J L635 171J C635 271J
636   M636 071K L636 171K C636 271K
637   M637 071L L637 171L C637 271L
638   M638 071M L638 171M C638 271M
639   M639 071N L639 171N C639 271N
640   M640 071O L640 171O C640 271O
641   M641 071P L641 171P C641 271P
642   M642 071Q L642 171Q C642 271Q
643   M643 071R L643 171R C643 271R
644   M644 071S L644 171S C644 271S
645   M645 071T L645 171T C645 271T
646   M646 071U L646 171U C646 271U
647 Subject Added Entry – Named Event M647 071V L647 171V C647 271V
648 Subject Added Entry – Chronological Term M648 071W L648 171W C648 271W
649   M649 071X L649 171X C649 271X
650 Subject Added Entry – Topical Term M650 071Y L650 171Y C650 271Y
651 Subject Added Entry – Geographic Name M651 071Z L651 171Z C651 271Z
652 Subject Added Entry – Reversed Geographic [OBSOLETE, 1980] M652 072A L652 172A C652 272A
653 Index Term – Uncontrolled M653 072B L653 172B C653 272B
654 Subject Added Entry – Faceted Topical Terms M654 072C L654 172C C654 272C
655 Index Term – Genre/Form M655 072D L655 172D C655 272D
656 Index Term – Occupation M656 072E L656 172E C656 272E
657 Index Term – Function M657 072F L657 172F C657 272F
658 Index Term – Curriculum Objective M658 072G L658 172G C658 272G
659   M659 072H L659 172H C659 272H
660   M660 072I L660 172I C660 272I
661   M661 072J L661 172J C661 272J
662 Subject Added Entry – Hierarchical Place Name M662 072K L662 172K C662 272K
663   M663 072L L663 172L C663 272L
664   M664 072M L664 172M C664 272M
665   M665 072N L665 172N C665 272N
666   M666 072O L666 172O C666 272O
667   M667 072P L667 172P C667 272P
668   M668 072Q L668 172Q C668 272Q
669   M669 072R L669 172R C669 272R
670   M670 072S L670 172S C670 272S
671   M671 072T L671 172T C671 272T
672   M672 072U L672 172U C672 272U
673   M673 072V L673 172V C673 272V
674   M674 072W L674 172W C674 272W
675   M675 072X L675 172X C675 272X
676   M676 072Y L676 172Y C676 272Y
677   M677 072Z L677 172Z C677 272Z
678   M678 073A L678 173A C678 273A
679   M679 073B L679 173B C679 273B
680 PRECIS Descriptor String [OBSOLETE, 1991] [CAN/MARC only] M680 073C L680 173C C680 273C
681 PRECIS Subject Indicator Number (SIN) [OBSOLETE, 1991] [CAN/MARC only] M681 073D L681 173D C681 273D
682   M682 073E L682 173E C682 273E
683 PRECIS Reference Indicator Number (RIN) [OBSOLETE, 1991] [CAN/MARC only] M683 073F L683 173F C683 273F
684   M684 073G L684 173G C684 273G
685   M685 073H L685 173H C685 273H
686   M686 073I L686 173I C686 273I
687   M687 073J L687 173J C687 273J
688 Subject Added Entry – Type of Entity Unspecified M688 073K L688 173K C688 273K
689   M689 073L L689 173L C689 273L
690 Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Topical Term2 M690 073M L690 173M C690 273M
691 Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Geographic Name3 M691 073N L691 173N C691 273N
692 Local Subject Access Field M692 073O L692 173O C692 273O
693 Local Subject Access Field M693 073P L693 173P C693 273P
694 Local Subject Access Field M694 073Q L694 173Q C694 273Q
695 Local Subject Access Field / Added Class Number4 M695 073R L695 173R C695 273R
696 Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Personal Name5 M696 073S L696 173S C696 273S
697 Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name6 M697 073T L697 173T C697 273T
698 Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name7 M698 073U L698 173U C698 273U
699 Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Uniform Title8 M699 073V L699 173V C699 273V


2. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main and LBD level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
3. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main and LBD level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
4. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main and LBD level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
5. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main and LBD level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
6. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main and LBD level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
7. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main and LBD level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
8. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main and LBD level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.