Shared report templates

Learn how to access, share, and run shared report templates.


Shared report templates allow you to share report templates throughout your institution, group, or the greater WorldShare Report Designer community. You can also use them to run reports shared by other institutions.

The shared reports folder structure contains the following folders:

Shared folder structure

Folder 1.0

The 1.0 standard templates folder contains standard report templates provided by OCLC. Your institution has access to this folder and the templates it contains. More information on these reports can be found here.

Folder 2.0

 Note: Only the original creator of the folder will be able to edit or delete an existing folder.

The 2.0 institution folder contains reports created by your institution and shared between users with reports authoring permissions. If you modify an existing report or create a new custom report, saving that report template to this folder will allow others in your institution to access and run the report. Only your institution has access to this folder and the report templates within.

Folder 2.1

 Note: Only the original creator of the folder will be able to edit or delete an existing folder.

The 2.1 group folder contains report templates created by your WMS group and shared between its users. This folder is only available to WMS groups who have been set up for group reporting. If you modify an existing report or create a new custom report, you can share it with other members of your group in this folder. Users at institutions within your group will have access to this folder and its templates. More information group reporting can be found here.

Folder 3.0


The 3.0 Community Templates folder contains report templates created by the user community and shared between all users in your data center region. If you save a template to this folder, other institutions in your region will be able to use the template against their own data. Other users can open the report template, make adjustments, and run the report. They can then follow the steps below to share a new copy of the template if necessary. OCLC has provided default folders (Acquisitions, Circulation, etc.), but Report Designer users can create additional folders and subfolders as needed.

Folder 3.1

 Note: OCLC staff does not improve, delete, test, or alter templates and folders in folder 3.1.

The 3.1 Global Templates folder contains report templates from all 3.0 Community Templates folders across all of the OCLC data center regions. As this folder is read-only, templates must be saved to a local folder (e..g, 2.0 institution folder) before they can be edited, executed, or scheduled. OCLC will refresh this folder with contents from all 3.0 folders across the OCLC data center regions on a monthly basis, approximately the second Tuesday of each month.

To share reports in your region and globally, continue to save reports in the 3.0 Community Templates folder. Templates added to folder 3.0 will be immediately visible to other Report Designer users in your data center region and, after synchronization, visible to global Report Designer users.

Folder 3.0 best practices

Folders 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 contain templates but not data. Due to this:

User access to folder structures based on Report Designer credentials

Institutions with Report Designer

    • View folders 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0
    • View report templates associated with your user role (e.g., an Acquisitions Admin cannot view reports based on Circulation data)
    • Edit and write to folder 2.0
      • Save report templates
      • Delete/rename any report template
      • Delete/rename only folders you created
    • Edit and write to folder 3.0
      • Save report templates
      • Delete/rename only report templates you created
      • Delete/rename only folders you created
  • If you have the ANALYTICS_REPORT_SCHEDULER role but do not have either AUTHOR role, you can view folders 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
  • If you have none of the roles above, you can only access reports through WMS.

Institutions without Report Designer

  • If you have the ANALYTICS_REPORT_SCHEDULER role, you can view folder 1.0.
  • If you do not have the ANALYTICS_REPORT_SCHEDULER role, you can only access reports through WMS.

Institutions with Tipasa

  • If you have the WORLDSHARE_ILL_ADMIN role, you can:
    • View folders 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0
    • View ILL report templates
    • Edit and write to folder 2.0
      • Save report templates
      • Delete/rename any report template
      • Delete/rename only folders you created
    • Edit and write to folder 3.0
      • Save report templates
      • Delete/rename only report templates you created
      • Delete/rename only folders you created

Purge data and prompt answers from a custom template before saving

While data from your institution will not be visible to other institutions, it is recommended that you delete any data from your report template prior to saving.

To purge data from a custom report template:

  1. Double-click the name of the report you wish to run. The report will open in a new tab in the Report Launch Pad.
  2. Click Cancel in the Prompts window.
  3. Click the Design button (Design button) to open the report in design mode.
  4. With the report in Design mode, click the Data Access tab.
  5. From the Data Providers tab, select Purge All from the Purge drop-down menu.
  6. From the Purge data dialog window, click Yes to confirm. All data from your institution is purged from the report template.

Default answers to prompts will be saved with the report template, so it is a best practice to delete any prompt default from your report template prior to saving, especially if data is specific to your institution.

To purge prompt answers from a custom report template:

  1. Double-click the name of the report you wish to run. The report will open in a new tab in the Report Launch Pad.
  2. Click the Design button (Design button) to open the report in design mode.
  3. With the report in Design mode, click the Edit Data Provider button (Edit Data Provider button) to open the Query Panel.
  4. From the Query Filters panel in the Query Panel dialog window, select the Show prompt properties button (Show prompt properties button) for your prompt.
  5. From the Prompt Properties dialog window, deselect the Set default value(s) and  Keep last value(s) selected checkboxes and then click OK. Repeat steps 1-6 for any other prompts containing default values.

Save a custom template to folder 2.0, 2.1, or 3.0

  1. Double-click the name of the report you wish to run. The report will open in a new tab in the Report Launch Pad.
  2. Click the Design button (Design button) to open the report in design mode.
  3. With the report in Design mode, click the Properties tab and then click Document.
  4. From the Document Summary dialog window:
    1. Enter a Description for your report (e.g., This report was designed to detect duplicate circulation item barcodes.).
    2. Enter Keywords for your report (e.g., community, duplicate, barcodes).
  5. Click OK to close the Document Summary dialog window.
  6. Click the File tab and then select Save As from the Save drop-down menu (Save drop-down menu).
  7. Click the folder where you want the template to live.
  8. Enter a File Name for your report (e.g., Duplicate Circulation Barcodes).
  9. Click Save.

Update custom template properties

You can update the properties for a custom report template to increase findability when searching.

  1. Right-click the report whose properties you would like to update.
  2. Click Properties from the pop-up menu.
  3. From the Properties dialog, update any of the following fields:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Keywords
  4. Click Save & Close to close the Properties dialog.

Search for a report template

You can search for report templates across your local and shared folders in Report Designer.

 Note: Newly created reports will appear in search after 24 hours.

  1. Enter your search term(s) in the search text field. The search text field can be accessed in the upper-right corner of Report Designer or by clicking the Search accordion.
  2. Click the Search button (Report Designer Search button) or press <Enter>. Report Designer searches the following fields for your search term(s):
    • Report Name
    • Report Description
    • Report Keywords
    • Folder names
     Note: Report names, descriptions, and keywords are applied when you save a custom template.
  3. Click the name of a report template to open it.

Search techniques

You can combine and expand your searches using the following techniques.

Technique Example Description
Separating search terms with spaces circulation report Search results will be produced only when all words are found in the report.

 Note: Separating search terms with a space implies an AND separation.
Using an asterisk or a question mark as a wildcard character branch hold*

The first example will produce results that contain the word sales and the words hold, holds, holder, holdings, or holdings. The second example will produce results that contain the words Last, List, or Lost.

 Note: If you use this technique, the search string you enter cannot be mixed case.
Enclosing search input in quotations "new titles list" Search results will be produced only when the exact phrase is found in a report.
Preceding search terms with a + material +b Search results will be produced only when all the words are found in the report. This technique is useful for words that are typically filtered out during the search process (e.g., a, for, by, is, the).
Preceding search terms with a - title holdings -conspectus Search results will be produced only if the word immediately after the minus (-) sign is not found, and all other words are found.
Separating search terms with a capitalized OR titles new OR removed Search results will be produced if any of the words with OR are found in the report.
Combining different search techniques title OR branch -shelving This example will produce results if a report contains the word title or the word marketing, but does not contain the word shelving.

Filter report template search results

Report templates can be filtered using the filters under the Search accordion. The Search accordion opens after you have run a search.

  • Click a filter to apply it to your search results. You can apply multiple filters to your search results. Once a filter is applied, it appears under Current Filters.
  • To remove a filter, click the x next to the filter under Current Filters.

Available report template filters

 Note: The only available Type filter is web intelligence.

Category Available filters
  • 1.0 standard templates
  • 2.0 [your institution symbol]
  • 2.1 [your consortium symbol]
  • 3.0 community templates
  • user folders (limits results to templates found in the My Documents > My Favorites.
Refresh Time
  • All
  • Last Year
  • Last Month
  • Last Quarter
  • Last 6 months

Run a report based on a template shared by another user

  1. Locate the template you want to run and double-click the Title to open.
  2. Enter values for any available prompts and click OK to run the report.
  3. (Optional) Click the Design button (Design button) to open the report in design mode and make any desired modifications.
  4. (Optional) Save a version of the template to folder 2.0 or the My Favorites folder, as the original author of the report may edit, overwrite, or delete the report at any time.