Filter a benchmark comparison

Discover how to filter a benchmark comparison using the format, language, and publication date limits in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.

Filter using the Format limit

  1. In the Limits panel, select Format.
  2. Click Add Format.
  3. Select one or more formats.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Apply Limits.
Material format types
Format name Export value
Archival Materials
Downloadable Archival Materials Archival Material
Physical Archival Materials Archival Material
Downloadable Articles Article
Manuscript Articles Article
Articles, Non Digital Article
Cassette Audiobook
CD Audiobook
eAudioBook Audiobook
LP Audiobook
Other Audiobook
Braille Book, Print
Continually Updated Resources Book, Print
Large Print Book, Print
Manuscript Book, Print
Thesis/dissertations Book, Print
Print, Non special format Book, Print
Print Book Book, Print
Books: eBooks Book, eBook
Books: Microform Book, Microform
Computer Files Computer File
Games (All)
Video Games Game
Other Game
Images Image
Interactive Multimedia Interactive Multimedia
Internet Resources Internet Resource
eJournals/eMagazines Journal/Magazine
Journals/Magazines, Non Digital Journal/Magazine
Kits Kit
Maps, Non Digital Map
Manuscript Map Map
eMaps Map
CD Music
LP Music
Cassette Music
eMusic Music
Other Music
Musical Score
Downloadable Musical Scores Musical Score
Manuscript Musical Score Musical Score
Musical Scores, Non Digital Musical Score
Newspapers, Non Digital Newspaper
eNewspapers Newspaper
Digital Objects Object
Objects, Non Digital Object
Toys Toy
Blu-ray Video
eVideos Video
Dvds Video
Films Video
VHS Video
Other Video
Visual Materials
Downloadable Visual Materials Visual Material
Other Visual Material
Format Undefined Format Undefined

Filter using the Language limit

  1. Select one or more languages from the Language drop-down list.
  2. Click Apply.

Filter using the Publication Date limit

  1. Click Publication Date.
  2. Define the publication date limit.
    • If you select Between from the drop-down list, enter a year in both the beginning and ending date text fields to define the date range when you want the publication date to occur.
    • If you select Greater than from the drop-down list, enter the year that you want all publication dates to come after.
    • If you select Less than from the drop-down list, enter the year that you want all publication dates to come before.
  3. (Optional) If you want to add another publication date limit, click the add button (Add button) and repeat step 3.
  4. Click Apply.