Create a circulation report for non-WMS libraries
Discover how to create a circulation report for non-WMS libraries in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
Run a circulation report from your integrated library system (ILS) to produce either an XML (preferred) or a tab-delimited file. The file should include all items circulated within a given date range and can contain up to five years of data.
File name guidelines
The file name should include:
- No spaces in the file name
- The institution symbol of the library submitting the file (e.g., OCC)
- A date stamp indicating when the file was submitted in “YYYY_MM_DD” format (e.g., 2012_06_29)
- Do not use special characters in file names, such as ~!@#$%^&*()+=-/'"][{}|\
Methods of creating unique file names
- You can combine these methods or use another.
- Add the date and time to the file name: myfile.d20080521.t1256
- Add a serial number to the end of the file: myfile1, myfile2
Multiple files
- If you send more than one file per day, each file must have a unique name.
- If you send multiple files with the same name in the same day, only the last one sent will be retained and processed.