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WorldShare Circulation release notes, October 2024


Release Date: October 20, 2024


This release of WorldShare Circulation provides 2 new features and enhancements in addition to numerous bug fixes. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Improvements to Recalls
    • Institutions can configure a due date adjustment for recalled items
    • Institutions have the option to configure suspension penalties for overdue recalled items
  • Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

Recommended actions

For this release, we recommend that you review the following checklists and complete the relevant tasks so that you can adjust your policies and workflows and train your staff. These checklists identify updates that we have determined as significant for most institutions. We encourage you to review all of the items in the release notes to determine whether there are other items that might require additional action or follow up by your institution.

Administrative actions

These items require immediate action or decisions.


Some of the logic and capabilities around recalls is changing.  Please be advised that some functionality surrounding recalls that was previously restricted by the system is now available to your staff. Your staff will want to consider configurations for these  areas and decide when it is appropriate to invoke these options.  See below for details.

Follow-up actions

In an effort to keep your staff informed of new features and changes, you may also want to consider these items.


Your staff may want to start discussing options to invoke for Due Date Adjustments for recalls and Recall Suspension Penalties described under New features and enhancements below. Please note that the system will currently fall back to the regular loan suspension for recalled items if recalled loan suspensions have not been configured.  However, this fall back logic will be removed 90 days after this install so be sure to configure Recalled Overdue Suspensions to ensure there are no interruptions to suspensions.

New features and enhancements

Institutions can configure a Due Date Adjustment for recalls

You now have Recall Due Date Adjustment options

The Recall Due Date Adjustment feature is now enabled.  You can now set a Recall Due Date Adjustment in the Recalls section of the Loan Policy screen in Service Configuration.  When viewing an existing loan policy where the recall loan period is configured in minutes or hours, the due date adjustment field defaults to None. 

Other options now include:

  • 1 hour before closing
  • 45 minutes before closing
  • 30 minutes before closing
  • 15 minutes before closing
  • At previous closing
  • At next opening
  • 15 minutes after opening
  • 30 minutes after opening
  • 45 minutes after opening 
  • 1 hour after opening 

When viewing an existing loan period where the recall loan period is configured in days, weeks, or months, the field will default to Midnight but you will now have the choice of Midnight or At closing.


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Institutions can configure Recalled Overdue Suspension penalties

The ability to configure recall suspension penalties has been enabled

You will now see the option to configure Recalled Overdue Suspension penalties in the Loan Policy screen under Overdue Loans / Recalled Loan -- Recalled Overdue Suspension.  You are able to select from all suspension structures currently configured which will appear in a drop-down list.  You are also able to remove a suspension penalty by choosing the blank option at the top of the drop-down list. 

Please note:  The system will currently fall back to the regular loan suspension for recalled items if recalled loan suspensions have not yet been configured.  However, this fall back logic will be removed 90 days after this install so be sure to configure Recalled Overdue Suspension penalties to ensure there are no interruptions to suspensions.


Bug fixes

When a need-before or need-after date that didn't make sense was entered on a hold request, it was causing the holds query to fail and you would not be able to view any related holds for the patron, title, or item. 

When an improper date was entered on the hold request, you would not be able to view the hold until that bad date expired.  Now, the hold request not only goes through successfully, but also, shows up in the patron record and item/title screen.  


When using SIP2, fulfilled, title-level holds were listed with OCN's instead of barcodes

When viewing a patron's fulfilled hold through SIP2, you could only see the OCN of the item fulfilling a title-level hold and no other item details.  An item barcode is now listed in the item ID field when viewing title-level holds that have been fulfilled.  Previously, you had been able to see the barcodes for item-level holds that were fulfilled but the fulfilled title level holds were only showing the OCN.  Now, you can see the more useful  barcode information for both types of fulfilled holds.

Staff UI:  Users could not recall ILL temporary items 

You weren't able to recall an ILL temporary item for a hold if the item's database and owning institutions were not the same.  The hold information would display but the Recall option would not appear.  You can now Recall ILL temporary items, regardless of the item's database and the owning institution.

The list of loaned items for a patron was sometimes not accurate in the Staff UI

Due to an API  error, the Staff UI was showing no items on loan for some patron records when a patron did have items checked out.  The API is now working appropriately and you will see the accurate amount of items checked out to a patron in the Staff UI.

Known issues

See the Known Issues page.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: