I am getting an error that says the fund code has already been used for this budget

Applies to

First, make sure there isn't an existing fund with the same code you are trying to use. If there is, you will need to choose a different code for the fund you are working on, or change the existing fund's code to something else first. That will free up the code for use in a different fund if you wish.

If you get this error when you are editing an existing fund code to change the capitalization of the code, for example, you want to change the fund code from "abc" to "ABC," you'll need to do the following:

  1. Change the existing fund code to something that is not currently used and save the fund.
  2. After the fund is saved with a different fund code, go back and change it to your desired code and save the fund.
Additional Information

Create funds

Edit funds

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