How to use Low-confidence matches to improve WorldCat records selected in your order when using Partner Exchange Services with vendors
Applies to
- WorldShare Acquisitions
When importing MARC order records, you can now "include low confidence matches" to ensure a record is found for your ordered item more easily.
Low-confidence matches use a different algorithm to locate a match. This saves you time by not having to select a record manually or adding an OCLC number to the MARC record by the system selecting one for you.
After importing your order, records will be automatically marked with Resource requires review if the low confident match was used to locate the item. Which can be easily located in several ways
You can still use the Change Resource functionality before you place the order or before you receive the item, if you see a record with resource requires review or if a better record exists, that you wish to use.
Steps to follow
- Go to the vendor page of the vendor who provided the MARC records.
- Click on Partner Exchange Services.
- Ensure you select Include low confidence matches when making selections on the Import Data dialog box
- Click Upload File
- You can also select this option to be used with Import order data Automated Jobs.
- Once the file is loaded, our system will find the best possible matches, starting with the most reliable methods. Finally using the low confidence matches.
- Reviewing the matches - If the import process matches a record using this new option, when uploading your file you will see this Low-confidence match, record may require review before receiving in your email notification
- Then the system will automatically select “resource requires review” for the order item created [seen in the General tab]
- If you don’t want to use the low confidence matches, you can also manually review the ordered items imports and select ‘resource required review’ yourself for any items that look incorrect from the general tab.
- Later when your items arrive your receiving staff can then search for order items with this flag.
- By going to Orders > Order Items and selecting from the Filter button on the top-right of the table the "Resource requires review" filter.
- Then, select Yes from the dropdown in this filter above the table.
- You can also change the view of your receiving screen by simply selecting the cog and enabling the Resource Requires Review column
- Then you can see instantly see which resources need to be checked and /or changed before receiving them
- You can do this check before, during, or after receiving the item, although before receiving is recommended.
- If the record is not the best record, you can change it using the Change Resource functionality in the info icon pop-up.
- This will copy the associated local holding records to the new record
- Once you have selected a new resource, you can unselect the resource requires review checkbox.
- When you change the resource for the item. This will then update the on-order or received LHRs instantly.