How do I move item encumbrances over to my new budget year?

Applies to

If you want to move items to the new budget follow these steps.  Note, do not close the old budget until you have moved or resolved all encumbrances. 

  1. Login to WorldShare > Acquisitions > Budgets.
  2. Go to the new year's budget. 
  3. Make sure the box Enable for use is checked.
  4. Go to the old year's budget. 
  5. Look for the Encumbrances column (Enc.)
  6. Click on one of the amounts visible in the column.
  7. Click on a title in the list of items encumbered.
  8. Choose the Budget/Fund tab.
  9. In the lower portion of the screen, choose the new year budget from the dropdown menu under Budget.
  10. Click Save in the upper portion of the screen.
  11. If you do not wish to move the item to the new budget year, follow the steps found in Find items with encumbered amounts.
Additional information

For more information see Budgets.

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