Find an overview of the OPAC features available in OLIB Service Pack 11.

All changes described in this chapter are for FOLIO only unless otherwise specified.

Straight to User Search

You can now build a ‘Straight To’ search that goes to a User record.

As with other ‘Straight To’ links, this link can be created and included in an email, on an intranet page or in a word document.

Simply add the user barcode to the end of the Folio URL using the following syntax:


For example: http://myolibsystem.oa.oclc.org/app900sp11ofcgi?barcode=100382

When the reader of the document clicks on the link, they are taken directly to the User’s record in Folio.

If the User has a password on their account, or if Folio is configured to require a password, then the login menu will be presented and the login will not complete unless the correct password is entered.

Normal rules will be applied for temporary passwords, User Account Expiry dates and Ban settings.

Exclude Authors and Subjects from the Facets

It is now possible to mark an author in such a way that it is not included in the Folio facet list even though it is linked to titles in the hitlist.

This might be useful to hide electronic providers such as Ebrary, who may have been entered on OLIB as an Author.

A new Yes/No attribute in the Names domain has been included called Exclude from Folio Authors Facet. Tip: add the attribute with Style of Edit Box.

The system administrator would need to add this field to the Authors (Names) layout using Layout Manager. Here we have added the field to the Controls sheet of Authors (Names) layout.

Controls sheet

Search for the relevant Author and set Exclude from Authors Facet? = Yes.

This will exclude that specific Author from the Folio Author facet.

Displaying Harvard Citation on Hitlist or Replacing Title Details

The OLSTF tag THARVARD was added in Service Pack 9 so that a record can be displayed in the OPAC, exported, or otherwise output in Harvard Reference format without having to build a complex Harvard output format. This Harvard reference could be configured to be displayed on the title details screen and as an email output.

Service Pack 11 extends this functionality so that the Harvard reference can be displayed on the Title hitlist screen. The Harvard format citation display can be displayed instead of the title on the details screen

To configure the hitlist display go to Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats and search for, e.g. OPAC title hitlist.

For example, in the Format Text field, here is the default Format Text for OPAC Title Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Books


This is used for the first line of the title hitlist display. Replace this text with <THARVARD>

This will display Harvard citation format in the hitlist instead:

To remove the second and subsequent lines of the title hitlist display:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Use the Folio Configuration Settings by Setting to search for g_hitlist_title_display2:

Change the Value field to:


[open double-quote; open single-quote ; <br/> ; close single-quote ; close double-quote]

The Harvard format citation display can also be displayed instead of the title on the details screen.

This is achieved by setting Format Text to <THARVARD> in the relevant OPAC Title Details Title Display Format 1 records. You should also exclude all the entries in the tidetails array.

The standard Folio title details display:

This monograph follows the configuration in the Output Format record:

-1107 OPAC Title Details Title Display Attribute 1 for Titles other than Issues

To change the Title details Title display:

1. Go to Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats

2. Search for e.g. OPAC title details:


3. For monographs, modify record -1107 and enter <THARVARD> in the Format Text


The monograph will now display in Folio as:

To exclude any repeated data from other fields in the display, e.g. Publication Details, you exclude the entry in the tidetails array (all are visible in g_title_details):

  1. Go to OPAC> Ini Files / GCBs and search for g_title_details.
  2. In the tidetails array entries, e.g. for pub, set Include=N. (Actions Exclude)

When you set Include = N, Folio displays the record as follows, with the separate Publication Details field removed:

Delete Folio Reviews in OLIB Web

Users can rate and review items in Folio. These are not visible until library staff approve them in OLIB Web. This requires the OPAC Reviews field to be added into the Titles layout.

It is now also possible for library staff to Delete reviews in OLIB Web

1. Modify the Title record

2. Select the review in the OPAC Reviews list box:

3. Select the Delete option

4. Confirm that the review is deleted and save the changes:

Editing width and sequence of the Copies Availability table

It is now possible to change the width and sequence of the columns in the Copies table on the title details screen.

This can now be implemented with two changes:

  1. Using the “cfg_copy” option in the “tidetails_tabs” array
  2. Enabling a suitable output format of the type “Folio Title Availability Content”. A sample Output Format is provided, Default Folio Title Availability display.

This is delivered as Excluded, but provides the values that are used as the default format as follows:

Domain: Copies (Required)

Type: Default Folio Title Availability display (Required)

Media Type: The media type for which this output format is pertinent. If not specified, the format will apply to all media types where there is no format specifically nominated.

Location: The user or SSi location for which this output format is pertinent. If not specified, the format will apply to all locations where there is no format specifically nominated

Call Ref: A mandatory field used, in the example, to provide some functional description.

Header Call: A list of column headings for the table to show in Folio. One heading per line. Optionally a heading may start with a width, e.g. 10% Barcode. If, as with the default, no widths are specified then the width of the table is determined by the browser and the content of each column at the time the information is displayed.

Footer Call: A SQL clause to replace the default “ORDER BY” clause. This can be used to list the user’s location’s copies records first or to sort by different criteria.

Format Text: A standard configurable output format value with OLSTF Tags from the Copies domain. There are two special handlers:

Copy Status: {status: … s} : This is used to identify the status value for self-issue processing If not present, it will be added to <CP_CZD> or <CP_CZSD>

Location profile: {locprofile: … l} : This is used to identify the hyperlink for the Location Profile If not present, it will be added to <CP_LOLD> or <CP_LOSD>

On the second sheet Export Generation, the Enabled setting is used to determine whether this output format should be in effect.

Changes to this output format take immediate effect in Folio.