Configure copies hitlists

Discover how to change which fields are displayed in the OLIB copies hitlist.

►Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats

The hitlist view for Copies is displayed when carrying out a search in the Copies domain. The hitlist shows a standard set of data for each column as follows:

9064573465 Main Library (First Floor) Large Print 362.17 BER Standard Available


Standard hitlist

Hitlists can be edited in the Output Formats domain. All the output formats use the OLIB Hash tags system to define what should be displayed. This system consists of field codes and # delimiters and is used for exporting data: OLIB Standard Transfer Format (OLSTF).

In Copies there is an Output Format Record for each 'field' or Column. This table lists each Column in Copies, showing which output format record it is attached to and the default setting:

Column ('field' in Copies)  Output Format Record OF No. Output Format Record Default
Location WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 5 for Copies (Location) -1025 <CP_LOLD>#CP_SLDNN# (<CP_SLD>)#/CP_SLDNN#
(Shelf +) Shelfmark WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 7 for Copies (Shelf + shelfmark) -1027 #CP_SCLDNN#<CP_SCLD> #/CP_SCLDNN#<CP_SM>
Status WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 4 for Copies (Status) -1024 <CP_CZD>
Category WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 3 for Copies (Category) -1023 <CP_CCLD>
Issue Date WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 1 for Copies (Issue Date) -1021 <CP_ISSDATEHL>
Return Date WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 2 for Copies (Return Date) -1022 <CP_RETDATEHL>
Other attributes that have been defined but not included on any standard Copies hitlists:
Collection WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 6 for Copies (Collection) -1026 <CP_COLXLD>
User held for WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 8 for Copies (User held for) -1028 <CP_RESBORBARCODE>
User on loan to WorldView Copy Hitlist Display Attribute 9 for Copies (User on loan to) -1029 <CP_BORBARCODE>


Change hitlist display

For example you may want to change the display so that the Shelfmark is more clearly displayed. Create a new record based on the standard one supplied.

  1. Go to Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats. Tags you can choose are available from the COPIES Hash tags.
  2. Search e.g. by Output Format Number -1027 (Shelf + Shelfmark).
  3. In modify mode, edit the data currently in Format Text:
  1. For example, change the tag CP_SCLD as this displays the shelf long description. Change as follows
  1. Save the changes. In Copies hitlists this returns the shelf code instead giving more room in the column for the shelfmark to display.
9064573465 Main Library (First Floor) LP 362.17 BER Standard Available