Delete issues copies

Discover how to delete issues copies in OLIB.


Once the bound volume has been created the individual copies of issues no longer exist separately and so should be deleted. There are a number of possible options for this process:

What happens to journal articles?

If a journal title or an issue of a journal is deleted, the details from the articles that have been abstracted from the journal still remain in OLIB. A free-text field - Source exists in the article record. OLIB populates this field automatically with the source journal and issue details if the parent journal and/or the issue are deleted. The contents of this field will be used whenever OLIB displays the article's source, e.g. on the article details screen in the OPAC or when the parent journal/issue details are included in an output format - e.g. for bulletins or SDI alerts and so on. 

Titles for Auto-Deletion folder

  1. In Titles use the Serial Issues by Serial Title option.
  2. Search for the Journal Title and select the issues to be deleted.
  3. Click Add to Folder.
  4. When the list of folders is displayed, choose the folder Titles for auto-deletion and click OK.

The contents of the folder will be deleted automatically by the overnight Daystart process – and so the folder will be empty by the next day.

View the Titles for Auto-Deletion Folder by searching in the Folders section of the Menu if you have been given permission to use it.

Number to Retain field

The Number to Retain field is a numeric field where you can specify how many received issues of that journal should be in existence at any one time.

Delete copies and titles individually

  1. Using the Serial Issues by Serial title search, find the Title and select the first issue to be deleted.
  2. Click the issue to display the details view.
  3. Click on the copy record and use Delete Record. A confirmation message will be displayed.
  4. Return to the hitlist and repeat the process for the other issues. Once all the copies have been deleted, select all the issues and delete using Delete Record.

Delete copies only

  1. In this case go to Serial Copies and search using Serial Copies by Serial Title.
  2. Select the copy to be deleted and use Delete Record.

 Note: This method has the risk of inadvertently deleting the wrong copy if more than one journal has the same issue title.

Delete using actions in the Management tab

  1. Search for the Serial Title and display the Management tab.
  2. In the list of Issues when you select an issue there are options for issue deletion:
    • Delete from here onwards
    • Delete from here backwards
    • Delete selected issue titles

These can be used to delete issues from a certain point.