Serial title cataloguing

Discover how to create a Serials catalogue record in OLIB.


A very brief catalogue record is all that is required for Serials management. However full bibliographic information can be recorded using standard OLIB cataloguing. A dedicated layout is used for Journals/Serials. Note that more cataloguing fields are available using the Serials - Full layout.

The following procedure highlights the differences for Journal cataloguing and uses the General - Serials layout:

  1. Navigate the Titles domain.
  2. Use new record in context to obtain a blank form.
  3. If necessary change the Media Type to Journal. On refresh this displays a Serials layout.
  4. Click New to add an ISSN without spaces or punctuation - an e-ISSN can be added here as well if required. OLIB presents MARC21 fields. Checks are performed as with any ISxN and OLIB shows a message if incorrect, e.g.: The length of the ISN you entered is incorrect. The correct length is 13 or 10 characters (ISBNs), 10 characters (ISMNs) or 8 characters (ISSN).

    Click Yes to accept with the incorrect length or No to re-enter.
  5. Normally the Name you add will be a corporate author, and commonly this field will often not be completed.
  6. The Imprint statement will not include a date. The Holdings details will accommodate that information.
  7. The e-Journal Link can be used to add a link to a website.
  8. In Holdings information you can enter free text in Summary. To add the holdings information for a specific location click Journal Holdings. This is used to add detailed location information for the library’s holdings of this serial. The information is particularly useful if there are holdings at more than one location. Edit the default Location if required. Enter the holdings From / To dates using the calendar provided.
  9. Save the record as normal and repeat the process if sets are held at other locations.
  10. Once all holdings have been added, the record is displayed in the same way as copy records linked to a book.
  11. The Bound Volume and Issues fields will be populated later by OLIB, once the journal issues are received. Issues will be displayed in reverse chronological order (latest first).
  12. The second page of the Serials layout contains fields for Issue generation.

Additional fields with Layout Manager

The system manager can use Layout Manager to add more fields:

  • The Binding Notes field is where you can enter data such as Incomplete - Vol nn Issue nn missing. Whenever a new bound volume record is created, whatever is entered in this Binding Notes field will be copied into the corresponding new Bound Volume title record.
  • A Binding Instructions field is intended for use in the Bound Volume records. When the Bound Volume record is created and issues added to it, the copies of the Serial Copy’s binding instructions records that are automatically created, are displayed in this field. These records can be edited and new binding instructions records can be added manually through this field.

Title changes

In the Titles hit list you can use Create Close Copy (available in the Actions drop down). This creates a duplicate copy of the title record, which includes details from the Management sheet such as Frequency and Citation Pattern. See Serial title changes for more information.

Parent Title deletions

Media Types reference data includes the Allow Deletion If Parent field. If you set it to No, when an attempt is made to delete a title record with that media type, if the title is a parent of at least one child record, the title record will not be deleted - OLIB displays a DeleteTitlesValContents message.

This is particularly relevant for serial header and issue records cataloguing - it ensures that Issues records are not deleted accidentally when attempting to delete the serial Title.