General settings

Learn how to configure Folio settings for cookies, application title, login, footer, breadcrumb trail and language interface.


When Folio is opened in a new browser for the first time by a user, the cookie message will be displayed:

This site uses cookies. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to XXXX's placement of cookies on your device. Find out more here.

The link will open the default Folio cookie message in a new browser window:

Folio default cookie message.

If you have an organisation specific cookie message then you should copy that into the WebView/html directory on the web server and you can then configure the cookie_reminder_text message in gno_startup to link to your own cookies information.

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for cookie_reminder_text.
  3. Open the record in modify and in Value edit any text and insert the link to your own organisation's page:
Config Block gno_startup
Setting cookie_reminder_text
Description The text of the statement that informs first time visitors that essential cookies are used.
Value concat("This site uses cookies. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to XXXX's placement of cookies on your device. <a href='", gnosys_html, "/olib_cookies.html' target='_new'>Find out more here</a>.")
Allowable Values A short piece of text
Sequence 1 5
Sequence 2 0
Include? Yes

Application title

If you want to change the title of the application (OLIB Folio) to represent your OPAC then modify the applicationTitle setting in gno_startup:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for applicationTitle.
  3. Open the record in modify and in Value enter your preferred title:
Config Block gno_startup
Setting applicationTitle
Description The application title displayed in the browser's title bar.
Value "OLIB Folio"
Allowable Values Any text.
Sequence 1 9
Sequence 2 0
Include? Yes

Once you have reloaded Folio the application title will have changed.

Login option

Folio takes the same login options as you had set up in WebView. The configuration options are held in the config block login. To view these:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Choose the search Configuration Settings by Config Block.
  3. Search for Config Block login.

Here are some sample settings in login:

Config Setting ID Interface Config Block Setting Value Sequence1 Sequence2 Include?
363 1 login login_prompt "Please enter your " 2 0 Y
364 1 login login_prompt2  "Please enter your password" 3 0 Y
365 1 login log_submit "Login now" 4 0  
367 1 login l_loginfail "Sorry, but the details entered are not valid. Please try again." 5 0 Y
27 1 login self-registration false 8 0 Y
3550 1 login page_title_login "Login to OLIB Folio" 11 0 Y
3554 1 login allow_login_if_expired "N" 15 0 Y
3558 1


password_reset_allowed true 17 0 Y

For example, you switch off self-registration by setting the self_registration setting to false.

 Tip: if you wish to keep the same options for user login as you had for WebView then there is no need to change the login settings.

Once you have logged in the welcome message is overlaid on the banner graphic.

Single Sign-On

Folio can be configured with a variety of Single Sign-On options by configuring the settings in System Administration / OPAC Defaults unser SSO/Authentication Parameters.

Field Possible values
Credential Capture Type

This field determines how Folio will ascertain the identity of the user.

  • OLIB Login Form
    • This is the default value, asking users to enter their barcode and password using the Folio login form
  • NTLM
    • This value will pick up the value that IIS assigns to REMOTE_USER to identify the individual. IIS asks the browser to ask for their login details or, normally with Edge and Chrome, utilise the Windows login information
  • Local
    • This, together with the two redirect URL fields, is used to divert the user to a local authentication page that will then pass back an identifier in a Cookie to Folio
  • Other values
    • These are not supported at this time
Redirect URL (Login)

This, combined with Credential Capture Type set to "Local" will be offered as a hyperlink in place of the Login form in Folio and will expect a Cookie value to be set which identifies the individual user.

An example .asp page which will manage authentication in IIS is provided below.

Authentication Type Please leave this set to OLIB
Authentication Token Name This is the name of the environment variable or Cookie in which the identifier is given to find the user record after authentication. For NTLM, this will be REMOTE_USER.
Match Field In OLIB This can be used to specify the field which will be searched to identify the user as provided either from the login form or an environment variable or cookie value. This defaults to Barcode.
LDAP Server This field is not used
Redirect URL (Logout) This, combined with Credential Capture Type set to "Local" will be offered as a hyperlink in place of the Logout link in Folio and will expect a Cookie value to be cleared, indicating that the user no longer wishes to be logged in.

Example .asp Authentication Page

The following .asp code can be modified to suit your deployment and placed into a file with a .asp extension.

<script type="text/javascript" runat="server" language="javascript">

  // The domain prefix which is part of the REMOTE_USER value, but not normally(?) in OLIB
  // This is a regular expression - so the "^" at the star is important
  // Do not leave this empty : /^nochange$/ would be much safer
  AuthDomain = /^WINDOWS\\/i;

  // The Name of the cookie to pass to OLIB
  // Do not include anything other than alphanumeric characters : and start with a letter
  // This will not work with "_"s
  CookieName = "SSOUSERID";

  // The internet domain at which to store the Cookie
  // This must be used by both Folio and the system carrying out the authentication
  NetworkDomain = "";

  // The URL for folio
  FolioURL = "";

  // =========================================================================================
  // Configurable section ends

  RemoteUser = "" + Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER");
  LoginName  = RemoteUser.replace(AuthDomain, "");

  Response.Cookies(CookieName) = LoginName;
  Response.Cookies(CookieName).Domain = NetworkDomain;
  Response.Cookies(CookieName).Path = "/";

Once placed onto the IIS server, the folder can be shared with Anonymous Browsing disabled. This will force the IIS service to ask the browser to authenticate, supplying the value for REMOTE_USER, which the .asp page then returns to Folio as a Cookie called SSOUSERID. This should match the value for Authentication Token Name. This does not have to be on the same server as Folio as long as both the IIS and Folio servers are accessed under the NetworkDomain given in the .asp. This page can then be located in the "Redirect URL (Login)" field.

With the correct configuration, browser and options this process can be entirely transparent to the users. If, for example, auth_need is set to "always", then Folio will divert to the Login URL when the user first navigates to it. This can then pick up the Windows authentication details and divert back to Folio with suitable login information ready for Folio to be used as desired. The user may never need to enter their login details. This will, however, mean that the user cannot sign out as Folio will simply log them straight back in again.

The following .asp code can be used to logout:

<script type="text/javascript" runat="server" language="javascript">
  // The Name of the cookie to pass to OLIB
  // Do not include anything other than alphanumeric characters : and start with a letter
  // This will not work with "_"s
  CookieName = "SSOUSERID";

  // The internet domain at which to store the Cookie
  // This must be used by both Folio and the system carrying out the authentication
  NetworkDomain = "";

  // The URL for folio
  FolioURL = "";

  // =========================================================================================
  // Configurable section ends

  Response.Cookies(CookieName) = "";
  Response.Cookies(CookieName).Domain = NetworkDomain;
  Response.Cookies(CookieName).Path = "/";

This page can then be located in the "Redirect URL (Logout)" field.


The Hello part of this message is taken from the l_hello setting in g_user_msgbox.

By default Folio displays "Hello" followed by any relevant update message -

Hello (Items ready for collection: 3)

If you want to include the user's forename and/or surname, then edit the Value field in the l_hello setting to include <FNAME> <SNAME> as required, e.g:

"Hello <FNAME> <SNAME>"
or -

"Hello <FNAME>"

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for l_hello:
Config Block g_user_msgbox
Setting l_hello
Description The text that appears before the user name, and other alerts, when the user logs in
Value "Hello <FNAME>"
Allowable Values A short piece of text
Sequence 1 24
Sequence 2 0
Include? N
  1. Modify the record to include FNAME and/or SNAME in double quotes as shown in the Value field.


The footer is controlled by the footerDisplayText in gno_startup.


Powered by OLIB, © OCLC (UK) Ltd 2013-2019 Privacy Policy

To change the footer (for example to add your own organisation’s name to the copyright statement) then modify this setting as required:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for footerDisplayText.
  3. Open the record in modify and in Value enter your preferred text and links:
Config Block gno_startup
Setting footerDisplayText
Description The text of the footer.
Value "Powered by <STRONG>OLIB</STRONG>, &copy; <a target='new' href=''>OCLC (UK) Ltd</a> 2013-2019 <A HREF=''' target='new'
TITLE='This institution processes personal information for the&#013;purpose of providing this service. Please review the Privacy&#013;Policy for additional information.'>Privacy Policy</A>"
Allowable Values Any text.
Sequence 1 17
Sequence 2 0
Include? Yes

Various options for the Privacy Policy are also available.

Breadcrumb trail

It is configurable whether the breadcrumb trail is displayed either:

The setting display_breadcrumb in gno_startup specifies where the breadcrumb trail is displayed.

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for display_breadcrumb. If it does not exist, click New Record:
Config Block gno_startup
Setting display_breadcrumb
Description Whether the breadcrumb trail is displayed in the top left (TL) or bottom right (BR). Exclude this setting to not display the breadcrumb trail at all.
Value "TL"
Allowable Values "TL" or "BR"
Sequence 1 30
Sequence 2 0
Include? Yes
  1. In Config Block select gno_startup from the drop down.
  2. In Value enter "TL" to display in top left of Folio page or "BR" to display in bottom right.
  3. Set Include = Yes.

If display_breadcrumb is not included in gno startup, the breadcrumb trail is not displayed.


If your OPAC is to be available in more than one language then you will need to visit 2 settings in gno_startup:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for the setting.
  3. Open the record in modify:
  1. Save the changes.

Other languages can also be translated for inclusion in the possLanguages setting.