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Tags 02x

Discover how the ISxNs tags are used in OLIB.
Tag(s) 020, 022
Indicators ## Only the first indicator for 022 is defined by MARC21 and indicates whether or not the journal is of international interest.
Subfields 020: a, c, q and z
022: a, z
These subfields are imported and exported to/from the ISxNs linked to the Title.
Imports to   During the Title import, the tag determines the ISN Type to utilise. See below for a breakdown of the subfield information.
Exports from   The ISN Type determines the tag into which the value will be exported. See below for a breakdown of this information.


For the MARC21 notes on this tag, refer here for ISBN or here for ISSN .


Example value:



Subfield Sample Notes
a 9788478889938 Valid ISN for this format of this record. This is imported into the ISN field.
For ISBNs both the 10-digit and 13-digit ISBNs are saved for indexing. These can be seen by setting OLIB Defaults: Show Equivalent ISBN to "Yes".
Often both the 10-digit and the 13-digit ISBNs are present in the MARC record. Where they are equivalent, only the 13-digit will be held as the primary ISBN and only this version of the ISBN will export, unless the 10-digit version is manually catalogued since the import.
c £14.95 Terms of availability: This is imported into the Prices linked to the Title record. The original value is placed into the Price (Textual) field, with the numeric portion population a numeric price field that is not on standard layouts. The data that is not numeric is used to attempt to identify the currency by name, code or symbol.
q paperback Qualifying information: This is imported into the Qualification field on the ISNs record. This information may previously have been present in parentheses in the 'a' subfield (for records prior to 2013) and is imported from there into the Qualification field too, but will be exported in $q.
z 9788478889938 Cancelled / Invalid ISN: This is used, for example, for the Print ISBN associated with an e-Book. It is imported to and exported from the Invalid ISN field on the ISNs record and is not included for searching in OLIB.