Library defined trap messages

Learn about messages defined by the library in OLIB.

Library defined traps are either created as Reference Data or as a free text entry. You can apply Trap messages to:

These messages are automatically displayed on the Circ. Desk screen whenever the item or user details are entered.

 Note: a pre-defined message, a free text message, or both can be entered against a record.

Enter a trap on a specific copy

  1. Go to Circulation> Traps-Copies.
  2. Click New Record. Obtain the relevant Copy by entering the barcode (not case-sensitive) or change to another search, e.g. by Title. Select the copy and insert the details back to the Copy Traps screen.
  3. Search for the relevant Trap, e.g. using a wildcard search, and select and insert the required standard trap message from the list e.g. Binding.
  4. Stop OPAC/SIP/NCIP Transactions? is a Yes/No flag that determines whether the Copy records affected by this trap should still be able to go ahead with circulation transactions. (Yes or No may already be defaulted into this field if the system administrator has set it in Locations or OLIB Defaults (Users and Circulation Defaults).
  5. Save the record.

Enter a trap on a title

  1. Go to Circulation> Traps-Titles.
  2. Click New Record. Search to locate the relevant Title. Select the Title and insert the details back to the Title Traps screen.
  3. Click Search and use e.g. wildcard, then select the required standard trap message from the list e.g. Reclassify.
  4. Stop OPAC/SIP/NCIP Transactions? is a Yes/No flag that determines whether the Title record affected by this trap should still be able to go ahead with normal circulation transactions. (Yes or No may already be defaulted into this field if the system administrator has set it in Locations or OLIB Defaults).
  5. Save the record.

Enter a trap on a user

Go to Circulation> Traps-Users.

  1. Click New Record. Obtain the relevant User by entering the barcode or change to another search e.g. by Surname. Select the User and insert the details back to the User Traps screen.
  2. Click Search and use e.g. wildcard, then select the required standard trap message from the list e.g. Left Address.  
  3. Stop OPAC/SIP/NCIP Transactions? is a Yes/No flag that determines whether the User records affected by this trap should still be able to go ahead with normal circulation transactions. (Yes or No may already be defaulted into this field if the system administrator has set it in Locations or OLIB Defaults).
  4. Save the record.

 Note: a user trap can be entered from the Circ. Desk screen - scan or key in the user barcode then click the User Trap button. The user name will be carried through to the user trap screen where you can select a trap as above and save the details, returning you back to the Circ. Desk.