Check reservations

Learn how to view reserved items in OLIB.

There are a number of ways to verify how many reservations exist against a particular Title.

Use the Reservations domain

  1. Go to Circulation> Reservations. The default reservation search is Active Reservations by [User] Barcode. Click Other Searches.
  2. Select the search Active Reservations by Title. Here you can either search for a particular title or type a % wildcard to view a list of all active reservations placed against titles. All reservations hitlists include the reservation status.
  3. See also the filters possible below.•·

The standard reservations searches only retrieve 'active' reservations with one of the following statuses:

· Unconfirmed · Confirmed · Activated · Activated-Recalled · Activated-Soon to Expire · Activated-Should be Cancelled · Held · Held-Soon to Expire · Held-Should be Cancelled.

In addition 4 searches list All reservations, including those Idle · Fulfilled · Cancelled · Discontinued reservations.

Refined (filtered) searches

Using Refined (filtered) searches you can:

  • Filter by Reserved Copies (for filtering). This for example allows you to filter a reservation search by the Location of the Copies which are reserved.
  • Find reservations that are due to expire
  • Search , e.g. by Held Date to check reservations that are held within a specified date range
  • A refined search with the filter of Satisfied/No is a useful saved search, allowing you to regularly check which reservations are still unsatisfied.
  • You can sort the list to display the result in Reservation Number order. This can be useful if several reservations are placed on the same date. The reservations can also be displayed in priority order.

Reservations details screen

When creating, modifying or reviewing a reservation all information is on a single page.

Here there are the fields of Status, To Expire on and Cancelled On. The To Expire On field will be populated from the Need by date set on the reservation.

The list of Reserved Copies is also on the single page layout.

Hold an item

It is also possible to hold an available item which has been reserved by the user without having to confirm a reservation. Hold reserved available items by using the Hold this reservation action in the Reservations domain. You can also use this feature in the list of reservations in the Titles domain.

From a Title search

In the Titles domain click to view the full details and select the Related Items and Control Data sheet of the General Layout. Here you can view the reservation information, showing the names of the users on the waiting list and the date placed.