Use recalls

Learn about automatic and manual recalls in OLIB.

Recalls can be sent automatically and manually.

Automatic recall

This is a completely automatic process and requires no involvement from library staff. When the item becomes overdue the Daystart process identifies that it is overdue and checks if there are any reservations outstanding. If there are reservations then it initiates the Recall Sequence instead of the Overdue Sequence and flags the 1st recall notice to be sent in NN days time where NN is the number of days set before the 1st notice in the Recall Sequence.

 Caution: if you do not have an Overdue Sequence set up and linked to your Loan Terms – then any Recall Sequence you have linked to Loan Terms will not work.

While the item is being recalled, OLIB sets the Copy Status to whichever one is configured in OLIB Defaults.

The Alerting facility is used to configure the content and format of the recall notices, who they should be sent to, whether they should be CC'd and/or BCC'd and the subject line of the email. This output for recall alerts is configured in the Notices domain.

Manually initiate recall sequence

If you want to manually initiate the recall sequence linked to your loan terms then you can do so by using the Initiate recall sequence action on a reserved copy. This is a useful feature if you want to send recalls on an item which is overdue – but which has not yet had the 1st overdue notice sent.

  1. Go to the Loan Items box on the Circ. Desk screen, OR the Reserved Copies list in Reservations, OR the search hitlist in the Copies domain.
  2. Tick the box next to the copy you wish to reserve.
  3. From Actions select Initiate recall sequence.

 Note: the Initiate recall sequence function will only work on items which are overdue, still at the 1st step in the overdue process and have not yet had their 1st overdue notice.

Recall an item manually

These can be sent at any time regardless of whether the item is overdue or if it has had previous overdue or recall notices. In most cases the system manager creates a recall notice for each Location on your system to cater for this.

  1. Go to the Loan Items box on the Circ. Desk screen, OR the Reserved Copies list in Reservations, OR the search hitlist in the Copies domain.
  2. Select the item(s) for recall and choose Recall these items from the list of available Actions.