Issue postal loan items

Learn how to issue an item for posting to a user address in OLIB.

icon_issues.gif Circ. Desk

It is possible to record which address a postal loan is being sent to. This takes place in the Circ. Desk screen as normal and the postal address being used is displayed on the screen. This first requires the configuration of Postal Loans by the system manager.

When associated with an issue transaction, a copy is made of the Addresses record and this copy is linked to the transaction and the copy record. This same new address will be used for each issue until either the Clear button is used, a different user address is selected or a different user barcode is entered in the User barcode field.

  1. In the Circ. Desk screen scan the User's barcode.
  2. OLIB displays their addresses in the Select Addresses field ('User Addresses' attribute in Layout Manager). The address with the system default address type is displayed in the Selected Address field ('Address' attribute in Layout Manager). This is the address that will be recorded as the postal address used for subsequent issue transactions.
  3. If the address that defaults into the Selected Address field is correct, simply continue issuing as normal.
  4. To change the address to be used as the postal address, pick the address in Select Addresses and choose the Use this address option. This copies the address from Select Addresses to Selected Address, replacing the address that is already listed in this field.
  5. Continue to issue the items as normal.

The Select Address button next to the address list enables you to create a new address for the user. This is useful if the address you want to record as the postal address is not already present.

View the postal address

After adding new attributes using Layout Manager for Postal Loans, the address where an item has been posted can be viewed: