
Learn about straightforward issue transactions in OLIB.

icon_issues.gif Circ. Desk [Alt+i]

  1. Enter the user barcode in User. This can be numeric, alpha or alphanumeric. Your barcode scanner will normally have the "accept/carriage return" function built in so that the barcode immediately displays the user details on screen. If not, press Enter or Tab after keying in the barcode.
  2. The cursor is now focused in Copy. Scan or enter the copy barcode. Repeat for all items to be issued. As you enter each copy barcode, OLIB displays the Title of each item in the Transactions box. OLIB also displays Copy Category, issue Transaction and the date or time due for return.
  3. Once all the items have been issued to a user, click Clear [F6].

Remember to always clear the details of the user on screen once the transaction has been completed. This ensures that there are no existing details on screen to allow for error in issuing further items to another user.

  1. Continue and repeat the process for the next user.

The Transactions box displays all the items currently being issued. The Loan Items box shows details of all the items the user has on loan, including any items previously issued. Here you can view the barcode, title, location, return date, status of item, category, current fine and renewal details. If a copy has a Copy Category of hourly loan, OLIB displays the Time the item is due for return.

 Display Last User:  if present on your system, use this button to show a pop up summary of the last User to go through the Circ desk screen, e.g.:

The last user to have been displayed on this issue screen was Davy Gill (barcode H41197447),
last on the screen at 11:41:14 on 11 Oct 2019 - Ok


Barcode and other identifiers for the user

As soon as you enter the User's Barcode, OLIB displays that user's details, e.g. Address, Balance, Loan Items. You can then issue items to the user.

Alternatively, you can use other IDs from the User record:

All of these IDs can be entered into the Issue/Returns/Renewals screen in the User field. OLIB then displays the User details, with the User's Barcode in the User field. It is then possible to issue items to that user. This feature allows you to use other IDs in your organisation, e.g. a student services number, to issue items to students.

Similarly, in SIP, when the user identifier that is stored in any of the above fields is supplied in the AA field of a SIP Patron Status request or a SIP Patron Information request, the correct user record is returned in the response message.

When a user identifier is supplied in the AA field of a SIP Checkout request, the item is issued to the correct user.