About circulation reference data

An introduction to circulation reference data in OLIB.

► Circulation reference data

Copy Categories, User Categories, Loan Terms

In order for issues, returns, renewals and fines to operate correctly, a number of reference data files are checked. These parameters are known as loan terms where copy categories and user categories are combined. For example, on performing an issue transaction the combination of user and copy category is checked, together with the location opening hours. This is to ensure that not only the correct return date is calculated but that the library service is open and available on this date. Any changes to loan terms, opening hours and the calendar have immediate effect.

For holiday periods the Calendar should also be configured, e.g. annually, to ensure items do not fall due for return when the library is closed.

Trap Messages

The Circ. Desk screen is where various messages concerning loan items or users are displayed. You can view, amend, delete or create such messages at this screen, using either pre-defined messages or ad hoc messages. The pre-defined trap messages are reference data set up in advance.


Fine Rates and Fine Sequences are essential reference data if your system is to operate fines. These determine the cost and timescale for fines. Payment Methods are also required in order for user fines to be paid off. Waiver Types are used for circumstances when a user's fine is to be waived.


Overdue and Recall Sequences should be set up as soon as you want OLIB to record when items fall overdue. It is possible to configure the alerting system to email the notices directly to the users, or to email them to a member of library staff for printing and posting to the users.