About circulation

Discover an overview of circulation in OLIB.

icon_issues.gif Circulation functions involve all those activities that normally take place from a library service point. The screens are designed to enable you to perform linked operations quickly. You can open the Circulation Desk screen from anywhere within OLIB by clicking the Barcode icon or using the Ctrl+i keyboard shortcut.

From the Circulation Desk, you can access other administrative screens in order to view and update relevant data, e.g. to edit the user record, pay fines, add user traps or place reservations.

 Circulation functions are fully integrated with the catalogue and user records. In order to perform various transactions, a number of reference data parameters are also checked.

Circulation functions

Reference data

In order for issues, returns, renewals and fines to operate correctly, a number of reference data files are checked. These parameters are referred to as loan terms. For example, on performing an issue transaction the combination of user and copy category is checked, together with the location opening hours. This is to ensure that not only the correct return date is calculated but that the library service is open and available on this date. Any changes to loan terms, opening hours and the calendar have immediate effect.

Overnight processing

Other operational data in the circulation system is maintained by overnight processing. The overnight daystart processes related to the circulation system are: