View alerts

Discover how to view an audit trail of alerts in OLIB.

►Searches> Users
►Alerting> Notices
►Searches> Copies
►System Administration

A full audit trail is retained of all alerts sent out from OLIB.

Where to view alerts

Users domain

A full audit trail is retained of all alerts sent to a User, including text messages and overdue notices.

  1. Go to the Users domain and search for a user whose alert notices you want to check.
  2. On the Users layout go to the Email Notice History sheet or the SMS Notice History sheet to view the alert notice details.   

Lists boxes are available for overdue notices, loan reminder notices, broadcast notices and miscellaneous notices (i.e. other types of notice).

Notices domain

Sent alerts can also be viewed for each Notice record:

  1. Go to Alerting> Notices.
  2. See the Notice Alert History sheet. The following details are shown:
Field Description
Ready To Send Alerts Displays alerts that are ready to send, including the date on which they are due to be sent.
Not Sent Alerts Displays the alerts that were not sent, together with an indication of the reason why they were not sent (Item renewed before the alert could be sent, Item returned before the alert could be sent, etc.)
Sent Alerts Displays alerts that have actually been sent.

Notes/Title displays the title as well as other information such as an “unable to send” message. For alert history entries where no other information is due to be displayed (such as Sent alerts), it will just display the title. This applies to all notice types that relate to titles or copies, including recall alerts, overdue alerts and reservation alerts.

  1. See the SMS Alert History sheet.
  2. This shows:
Borrower Created Date Sent Date Current Status

Copies domain

A full audit trail is retained of all alerts sent for a Copy:

  1. Go to Searches> Copies.
  2. See the SMS History sheet to view Notice name, Borrower, Sent Date.

System administration domains

The System Administration menu contains domains providing SMS related information:

  • SMS Aggregators: a ready-only domain that shows the aggregators that are supported by OLIB, e.g. Blackboard ConnectTxt, Janet txt
  • SMS Errors: a read-only domain that lists any errors that are reported in response messages from aggregators.
  • SMS History: a ready-only domain that lists the full, consolidated SMS history for the given user

Purge notice history

OLIB can be configured so that it automatically purges a notice's alert history after a set number of days or if there are more than a set number of alerts in the alert history.

  1. Go to Alerting> Notices and search for the notice.
  2. Open in modify mode and go to Notice Alert History sheet.
  3. In Purge Alerts After enter a number between 0 and 9999 to represent the number of days for which individual alerts should be retained in the alert history. Alerts will be deleted in daystart if they are more than this number of days old. E.g. enter 30 to delete any alerts for this notice that are more than 30 days old. If you enter 0 in this field all alerts for this notice will be deleted as soon as they are generated.
  4. In No.To Retain enter a number between 0 and 99 to represent the number of alerts which should be retained in the notice's alert history. The daystart process will identify the notices which have more alerts than the specified number to retain, and delete the oldest ones. If you enter 0 in this field all alerts for this notice will be deleted as soon as they are generated.

 Note: the Purge Alerts After and No.To Retain fields are intended to be mutually exclusive but you can enter a value in both fields. If so note that the Purge Alerts After field is processed immediately before the No.To Retain field.