View order items

Discover how to view order items in OLIB Acquisitions.


Information relating to orders and order items in OLIB can be viewed through many search access points and secondary searches. Here are some examples that could be useful access points:

Domain Search
Order Items By title

By status

By invoiceable items (items still outstanding)

By outstanding order items near minimum delivery period

Order items by vendor item number (this field can be added to the order items layout using Layout Manager).

Refine search by Needed By Date
Orders By supplier - access full details and use Order Items tab for item details to view which items are still outstanding for this order and which have been checked in.
Account Instances To view items ordered using a particular account instance, display the full details of the account instance and use Order Items tab for item details and Invoices tab to view full details of invoices and the items on the invoices.
Titles Refine searches by Order Status - On Order / Additional copies on order

In the Related Items and Control Data sheet you can click through from the Acquisitions: Order Items field to the order item details.
Orders, Order Items The Audit Trail sheet provides a detailed audit trail for all records edited.
Invoices After clicking to view Invoice Items, you can click through to the original Order Item via secondary searching.

View EDI messages

The EDI messages can be viewed in a number of places:

Domain Search
EDI Messages Enter the Order number or a wildcard (%) search. The EDI message displays in the Message Text field and the time/date the message was sent displays in the Date Sent.
Orders On the EDI page of this domain.