Alert notices in Acquisitions

Discover how to configure alert notices in OLIB Acquisitions.

►Alerting > Notices


Email alert notices can be sent to staff and/or users for a variety of reasons. Alerting is a feature utilised in many areas of OLIB. Order alert notices can be used in Acquisitions to:

Order item delivery alert notice

You can configure OLIB to send an email to notify that an outstanding order item has a minimum delivery period. This means that it needs to be chased with the supplier to ensure that the item is received by the Required By date specified by the user.

An example Acq, Delivery Alert notice is provided with OLIB. This alert can be sent to a nominated member of staff for review before forwarding on to the supplier

Expected date of receipt: the OIDUEDATE tag can be used to display the expected date of receipt of the item.

Purchase suggestion/Rejection notices

Purchase suggestion notice

OLIB can send a notification to a member of library staff to alert them that a user has placed a purchase suggestion through WebView. An Example Purch. Sugg. Submitted Notice is provided. This contains HTML tags so that the email is properly formatted.


A new purchase suggestion has just been submitted in WebView as follows:

User: John Smith

Barcode: JSMITH

Order Item No: 5197

Title: This is the book title

Please go to the Order Items domain in WorldView to review it and process it as required.
  1. Select the Example Purch. Sugg. Submitted Notice and in Other Actions choose Create Close Copy.
  2. Click on the copy to display full details and Modify Record.
  3. Set Notice Type to Notification of Purch. Sugg.
  4. Choose Location. Notices will be sent to the To List email addresses whenever a user registered at this Location submits a purchase suggestion in WebView.
  5. Choose a User Category. Notices will be sent to the To List email addresses whenever a user with this User Category submits a purchase suggestion in WebView. The Copy Category setting is not relevant for purchase suggestion submission notices.
  6. In the Notice Text change the contents to specify the text and punctuation you wish to include in the email. This is using the same syntax as is used for configurable export formats to define the main body of the email. The OLSTF Tags table indicates which tags are available for you to use in the Notice Text field. You can include any User OLSTF tags in the Notice Text field, together with a small number of Order Item OLSTF tags. For example, to include data from a field in the user record, enter the User OLSTF tag surrounded by angle brackets. If you only want the text to be included if the field itself contains data, surround the OLSTF tag and associated text with the appropriate hash tag combination.
  7. Set From Address to a valid email address, e.g. a generic address for your library.
  8. In Transmit Type set to To To List.
  9. Configure the recipients of the email:
    1. To List – Specify who the purchase suggestion notice should be sent to.
    2. CC List – Specify who should receive a copy of the purchase suggestion notice.
    3. BCC List – If required specify who should receive a blind copy of the purchase suggestion notice.
       Note: In all three of the above fields, multiple email addresses can be entered. Multiple addresses should be separated with a semi-colon.
  10. In Subject Line enter the text to be used as the subject line of the notice.
  11. Set Enabled to Yes for OLIB to start sending recall notices in daystart, using the above settings. If Enabled is set to No or is null, the notice will not be sent. 

Purchase suggestion rejected notification

A purchase suggestion rejected notice can be sent to the user to notify them that the above purchase suggestion they submitted in WebView has been rejected. An example Purchase Suggestion Rejected notice is included with OLIB. This contains HTML tags so that the email is properly formatted.

  1. Select the Example Purchase Suggestion Rejected Notice and in Other Actions choose Create Close Copy.
  2. Click on the copy to display full details and Modify Record.
  3. Set Notice Type to Notification of Rejected Purch. Sugg.
  4. Choose Location. Notices will be sent to the To List email addresses whenever a user registered at this Location has a purchase suggestion rejected.
  5. Choose a User Category. Notices will be sent to the To List email addresses whenever a user with this User Category has a purchase suggestion rejected. The Copy Category setting is not relevant for purchase rejection notices.
  6. In the Notice Text change the contents to specify the text and punctuation you wish to include in the email. This is using the same syntax as is used for configurable export formats to define the main body of the email. The OLSTF Tags table indicates which tags are available for you to use in the Notice Text field. You can include any User OLSTF tags in the Notice Text field, together with a small number of Order Item OLSTF tags. For example, to include data from a field in the user record, enter the User OLSTF tag surrounded by angle brackets. If you only want the text to be included if the field itself contains data, surround the OLSTF tag and associated text with the appropriate hash tag combination.
  7. Set From Address to a valid email address, e.g. a generic address for your library.
  8. In Transmit Type set to To user’s email address.
  9. Configure the recipients of the email:
    1. To List – Specify who the purchase rejection notice should be sent to.
    2. CC List – Specify who should receive a copy of the purchase rejection notice.
    3. BCC List – If required specify who should receive a blind copy of the purchase rejection notice.
       Note: In all three of the above fields, multiple email addresses can be entered. Multiple addresses should be separated with a semi-colon.
  10. In Subject Line enter the text to be used as the subject line of the notice.
  11. Set Enabled to Yes for OLIB to start sending recall notices in daystart, using the above settings. If Enabled is set to No or is null, the notice will not be sent.

Order item checked in notice

Enable this notice if you want to send an alert to a user for whom a checked in item was ordered. For example this could be a tutor who has ordered an item. The notice is sent to the user(s) in the order item's Ordered For list. (This must be instead of using the order item's Reserve on Receipt flag. See also Ordered For in the Order Process). Set the Transmit Type To user. You can set up location- and/or user category-specific Order Item Checked In alert notices as well as, or instead of, the system-level notice (in which the Location and User Category field is blank - the location in this context is the Ordered For user’s location).

The SMTP server name for your organisation must also be configured for alerting to work.