
Find information about using the Remediation section of the Collection tab in GreenGlass.

In preparing your library's data for GreenGlass, OCLC has compiled seven lists that may help to improve the efficacy of your records, the completeness of your WorldCat holdings, and/or the general efficacy of your collection. The first three contain items that have been filtered out of the GreenGlass Universe. All of these lists can be exported and adjusted to support local workflows.

Records filtered out of GreenGlass

The first three Remediation LIsts represent the items that have been filtered out of the analysis.

  1. Records without OCLC numbers
  2. Records with a title or author that does not match the corresponding WorldCat record
  3. Out-of-scope records

 Note: There is no overlap between these lists.

Records without OCLC numbers

This list contains records received from your library without OCLC numbers - and for which GreenGlass was unable to identify one.

Records with a title or author that does not match the corresponding WorldCat record

These records contain an OCLC number, but the local title and/or author appear not to match the WorldCat™ record with the same number.

Out-of-scope records

These records have reliable OCLC record numbers, but for a variety of reasons, they do not match the parameters of the project. Records for all out-of-scope items are found in this list. To learn why these items have been deemed out-of-scope, retrieve them by clicking on the hyperlinked tally to export and download the list.

Check the following columns in the exported list to find the reason(s) that a record was marked out-of-scope:

Out-of-scope reasons - Table
Column title Out-of-scope details
Location Code
  • The location code of the item was excluded from the analysis.
    • Location codes are found in Column A.
Primary Language
  • The primary language of the record falls outside the scope of specific languages of the project.
    • The Primary Language Code is found in Column L.
Bibliographic Record Type
  • The record type code of the record falls outside the scope of the project. This code comes from the MARC leader - byte 6.
Bibliographic Level
  • GreenGlass projects are focused on monographs, so some bibliographic levels are typically in scope while others are not. This code comes from the MARC leader - byte 7.
    • The Bibliographic Level is found in Column N.
GPO Number
  • The record contains a GPO item number (field 074 $a), and is assumed to be a Government Document. Government Documents often fall outside the scope of a particular project.
    • If the record contains the GPO Number, it will appear in Column O.
Government Document Number
  • The record contains a classification number assigned by a government agency (field 086 $a) and is assumed to be a Government Document. Government Documents often fall outside the scope of a particular project.
    • If the record contains the Government Document Number, it will appear in Column P.
Item Type Code
  • The record falls into a specific category of materials that is outside the scope of the project.
    • The Item Type Code appears in column BA.
Item Status Code
  • The record falls into a specific category of materials that is outside the scope of the project.
    • The Item Status Code appears in column BB.

When resources are filtered out of GreenGlass, you still have the opportunity to evaluate them with regard to subject, location, WorldCat holdings levels, local transactions, and HathiTrust status.

Records visible in GreenGlass

The below lists have items that have not been filtered out of the GreenGlass Universe.

Records for which GreenGlass has assigned an OCLC number

As part of our normalization routine, GreenGlass uses LCCNs and title similarity logic to identify matching WorldCat™ records. These are records for which the library’s record does not contain an OCLC number. In exported lists, the GreenGlass assigned OCLC numbers can be found in the column labeled WorldCat OCLC Number.

Records for which your library's holding is not set in WorldCat™

These records were included in your data extract so we assume local ownership. However, at the time of our WorldCat™ look-up, your library’s holding was not set or was not set on the exact edition.

Multi-edition titles

This list contains titles for which your library holds multiple editions. Whenever two or more titles with different OCLC numbers are found to share a common OCLC Work ID, they are included. Titles are grouped by OCLC Work ID with more recent editions showing first. The OCLC Work ID links related editions of the same work in WorldCat. Related editions can include new, revised, expanded or sequential editions, alternate US or UK editions, ebook editions, large print editions, or reprints.

 Note: This list includes your library's out-of-scope items.

To export this list, click on the Export Results icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Column descriptions:

Column Description

The Multi-edition titles list is sorted by OCLC Work ID, with the most recent edition appearing first.

  • Every Work ID associated with multiple items in your collection will appear in this list if there are multiple OCLC numbers represented in the set. This excludes simple duplicates and multi-volume sets where all the volumes are part of the same edition.     
  • When there are multiple OCLC record numbers associated with a single OCLC Work ID, all associated items will appear in the list. 
OCLC Number The GreenGlass assigned or validated OCLC record number.
Call Number The library's call number.
Location The location code of the library.
Title Information about the item's title, author, publisher, and publication year.
Edition The edition statement from the MARC record of the item.
OPAC The link to this record in the library's OPAC. The link is specific to the library's bibliographic number, meaning a single edition of the work.

Possible duplicates

GreenGlass flags an item as a possible duplicate when there is more than one item associated with a single OCLC number and:

  1. Any of those items has a null enumeration;
  2. Two or more of the items share the same enumeration; OR
  3. Two or more of the items share the same volume number but not the same copy number. Note that this list includes your library's out-of-scope items.

When these requirements are met, GreenGlass displays the entire set of items that share the OCLC number.  Each item in the set has an assigned possible-duplicate flag. Only items flagged with a YES are suspected duplicates. The others are included to provide context.   

  • Duplicates are flagged across all locations.

Click Export Results to export a complete list of possible duplicates, sorted by OCLC number.

Additional areas to use the Possible Duplicates feature: 

  • Possible Duplicates are also incorporated into the Key Metrics at the bottom of the Overview page and also include all duplicate items plus the items that share an OCN. The Possible Duplicates key metric makes it possible for you to compare your library’s collection with the others in this respect. Refer to Overview for more information.
  • For libraries with very large collections, the complete Possible Duplicates list is too large to be convenient. Use the Possible Duplicates search parameter in the GreenGlass Query Builder to include or exclude possible duplicates in the query results. See Query Builder for more information.