Kluwer Navigator


In order to provide access to resources that use https, your EZproxy server must be configured with an SSL certificate.

T Kluwer navigator (Updated 20230404)
U https://navigator.kluwer.nl/
HJ broker.kluwer.nl
HJ deeplinking.kluwer.nl
HJ https://deeplinking.kluwer.nl
HJ https://broker.kluwer.nl
HJ https://cp.kluwer.nl
HJ https://homepage.navigator.kluwer.nl
HJ https://idp.kluwer.nl
HJ https://m.navigator.kluwer.nl
HJ https://navigator.kluwer.nl
HJ https://www.navigator.nl
HJ https://new.navigator.nl
HJ new.navigator.nl
HJ m.navigator.kluwer.nl
HJ navigator.kluwer.nl
HJ valet.navigator.kluwer.nl
HJ velvet.kluwer.nl
DJ kluwer.nl
Find action="https://broker.kluwer.nl
Replace action="https://^sbroker.kluwer.nl^

A Hosted EZproxy Include File is available for this resource. Hosted EZproxy customers will receive automatic updates with OCLC’s latest version of this stanza. Note: Hosted EZproxy customers in the Americas using self-service may reference the Include File by adding the following line to config.txt:

IncludeFile databases/kluwernavigator.txt