SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup

Find instructions to download and install the SQL Server 2008 for Amlib.

SQL Server 2008 Setup

  1. Download the Express (R2) version of SQL Server 2008: SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe (32-bit server) or SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe (64-bit) from the Microsoft Download Center:

  2. Double-click on the application to launch the installer:
  3. Select the New installation or add new features to an existing installation link – the License Terms screen will display:
  4. Tick the I accept the license terms box and click the Next button – the Support Files will be installed:
  5. Once completed – the Feature Selection screen will display:
  6. Click the Select All button and then the Next button
  7. The Instance Configuration screen will display:
  8. Type in a Named instance or leave as default: SQLEXPRESS and click on the Next button – the Server Configuration screen will display:
  9. Click the Next button
  10. The Database Engine Configuration screen will display:
  11. Ensure that the Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows authentication) radio button is selected
  12. Enter password and Confirm password – for example: SYSADM/SYSADM
  13. Click the Next button – the Error Reporting screen will display
  14. Click the Next button – the SQL server will begin installing:
  15. Once completed, the following screen will display:
  16. Click on the Close button

The installation of the SQL Server 2008 R2 is now complete.

Please note if the server is planned to be accessed over TCP/IP you may need to enable to protocol in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.