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Amlib backup manager installation

Find information about installing and configuring the Amlib Backup Manager.

Amlib Backup Manager is a program that allows you to back up your Amlib databases either manually or on an automatic basis. By having Amlib Backup Manger running on your system, you can manage how often your Amlib databases are backed up automatically and how long the backups log files are kept before being purged by the system.

This program simplifies the process of backing up your databases, in case your live databases become corrupt for any reason. If you are not currently performing regular backups of Amlib it is highly recommended that you use the Amlib Backup Manager to ensure that you do not lose any data, should your databases become compromised for any reason.

Amlib Backup Manager is designed for use with SQL Express and replaces all previous versions of Amlib backup options including the original backup manager and SQL scripts run via Windows scheduled tasks. You do not need to set up or use this back-up plan if you are running the full version of a SQLServer with Management Studio, as it already has back up capabilities.

 Important Note: 

  • You NEED to make a copy of the Backup created and store it elsewhere off-site. NOT saved on the same Server it was created on - to protect your data in case of a server crash or corruption.
  • This Backup Manager is not version Specific, it is compatible with all versions of Amlib
  • This Backup Manager is suitable for SQL servers 2008 and 2012
  • This Backup Manger is suitable for use on Windows Server 2008 and 2012

Who needs to use Amlib Backup Manager?

  • Amlib Backup is designed for use with SQL Express and replaces all previous Amlib backup options including the original Backup Manager and SQL scripts run via Windows scheduled tasks.
  • It is not required if you are running the full version of SQL Management Studio as it has back up capabilities.
  • If you are not currently performing regular backups of Amlib it would be highly recommended that you use Amlib Backup Manager to ensure you do not lose any data should your databases become compromised.

The installation software file required for this guide is AmlibBackUp.exe which you can find on the Amlib Utilities.

Step 1: Install the Backup Manager

  1. Start the installation by running the AmlibBackUp.exe Select Next and then choose a path to install to
  2. Select Next and then Install, you may receive a prompt from User Account Control, Select Yes

  3. Ensure that Launch Configuration Manager is selected and Select Finish

Step 2: Configure the database connections

  1. The Amlib Configuration Manager will launch after the installation
  2. Once opened, the AM and TE databases will display as default
    • Please Note: This configuration automatically has the AM (Live) and TE (Test) databases defined (but not set)


      In the Amlib Systems tab, highlight the Live or Test database connector and Select the Edit button – the System Editor will open.

      If your database prefix is NOT ‘AM’ - Then add a NEW connector by selecting the New button. On the General tab, enter the Prefix and a Description, otherwise continue with Step 3
  3. On the Databases tab, enter the following details:
    • Choose the details for the RDBMS and OleDbProvider from the drop-down boxes
    • Enter the details for the Lib database
      • Server – enter the name of the Server running your Amlib databases
      • Instance – enter an Instance (only if required – otherwise leave as Default)
      • Port – enter a Port number (if required – otherwise leave as 0 [for unused])
      • User – enter the Username for the database connection
      • Password – enter the Password for the database connection – the username and password should be the same as that the login for your other Amlib databases. SYSADM/SYSADM is the default login for most Amlib database setups.
    • Select the Copy to all button to copy the details to the other database fields
  4. Select the OK button once complete – the System Editor window will close


Once complete, the connection can be tested:

  1. Highlight the relevant database – for example: AM – and Select the Test button
  2. The Test Connections window will display with the result – if errors occur, the reason will display in the Error Details column:
    1. Test successful – all Results = OK:
    2. Test unsuccessful – all Results = Fail with Error Details shown:
  3. Select the Close button to close the Test Connections screen
  4. Select the Exit button when complete

The Amlib Backup Manager has now been installed and its connection to the Amlib SQL databases configured.

Step 3: Configure backup manager

  1. Find the backup manager in the Start menu and launch the application
  2. You will be presented with the Plan Configuration window on the Selected Databases tab
  3. Select all of the databases and move them over to the Databases to backup section
  4. Go to the Backup Details tab and select a path for the backup files
  5. Make selections for the various other options available on this screen

    Days to keep backups

    The number of days that the backups will be kept

    Free space alert

    Alert will be created when free disk space falls below the selected percentage

    Logging options

    Logging can be done to the Event log or a specified log file

    Transaction Logs

    This option can only be used when the Full Recovery model is being used with the databases. This will perform log backups as part of the backup plan.


    This option can only be used when the database user has sysadmin or dbcreate server role permissions. The backups will be verified that they are valid and are not corrupt.

    Integrity Check

    Checks the integrity of the databases ensuring there is no data corruption

    Update Statistics

    Updates statistics on the database to keep database performance


    Shrink the database to maintain a small database size. This is generally handled well by SQL Server and should only be used if space is an issue on the system or server

  6. Go to the Schedule tab and set the frequency that the plan will run
  7. If you wish to have email alerts of the results you can enter the details on the Alert Email Configuration tab
  8. You can then test that everything is working by selecting the Execute button. You should receive the following dialog box. If you receive an error please contact support and email a screenshot of the error to [most common error is your email settings are not correct or a virus programs is blocking the email process]
  9. After the execution has finished you can select on the View Log button to check the log file output. Then Select OK to save the plan. You should see a screen as below
  10. The Amlib Backup service needs to be started. Select Start > Run (Win + R) and type in services.msc and Select OK
  11. In the Services window find the Amlib Backup Service, right-Select on the entry and select Start
  12. The Amlib backup manager configuration is complete