Mass memo and mass memo delete

Learn how to create the memo type, create a saved file of multiple borrowers and stockitems, mass memo the items, and mass delete memos in Amlib.

Create the memo type

If a memo type is not already defined, this will need to be created.

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main >Supervisor > Supervisor screen
  2. Select LibraryMenu > MemoTypes
  3. Select F1 New
  4. Enter a Memo Type Code – for example PRC08
  5. Enter a Description – this is the default text of the memo
  6. Valid for Holdings – if the memo is to go on Stockitems select Y if it is to only go on borrowers select N
  7. Valid for Members – if the memo is to go on Borrowers select Y if it is to go only on Stockitems select N
  8. Show as Default – if the memo is to pop up in circulation upon wanding enter Y if the memo is not required to pop up select N. If the memo is only required to show in NetOpacs My Details select O
  9. Enter a number of days before the memo expires, or if the memo is never to expire enter 9999
  10. F3 Save then log out of Amlib and back in

Create a saved file of multiple borrowers/ Stockitems

To add the Memo to a group of items it is easiest to create a saved file first. Though not absolutely necessary, this allows you to view the items or borrowers in a table first, preventing errors. This example uses a Stockitem file but the process is the same from the Borrower Module.

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main > Stockitems > StockitemWhere
  2. Create a where statement for your Items – for example the following will find all of the items in the Premiers Reading Challenge. Your Where statement will be based on the items you want to memo:
  3. Select F7 QtoFile
  4. Select F1 New to create a file and enter a file name
  5. Then F3 Save and F9 Select
  6. A dialogue box will advise how many items are in the file

Wand into file

An alternative method of creating a file (of Stockitems) would be to wand the physical items into a file.

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main > Stockitem > Stockitem
  2. Select File > WandIntoFile
  3. F4 Select
  4. Select F1 New and give the file a name
  5. F3 Save then F4 Select
  6. Wand the items to have the memo placed on them and when finished close the window

Mass memo the items

  1. Navigate to Main > Stockitems > Stockitem
  2. Select File > Display File
  3. Highlight the saved file and F9 Select
  4. Highlight the items to have memos applied to them. To select more than one item, press the Ctrl key and click the particular items with the left mouse button for individual items. To select a range of items, highlight the first item in the range. Find the final item for the range and press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button
  5. Select Table > MassMemoItems
  6. In the Memo Type field you can either type the Memo Code or enter a full stop in the field and then hit the Tab key to select the memo type from the list. The Memo type field is optional but entering this assists with deletions and reporting
  7. The default text will then automatically display in the Message window, amend as necessary noting that the memo can be up to 250 characters


     Note: Dates are the current date as well as the expiry date from the Memo Types screen though they may be altered in this screen.

  8. When the memo is complete select F3 Save 
  9. A confirmation will display, select OK 

Memos can be applied to Borrowers in a similar way. Highlight Borrowers in a Table and select Mass Memo Borrower from the Table Menu.

Mass memo deletion

It is possible to delete memos from Stockitems en masse by selecting items from a table of Stockitems.

  1. As above create a Stockitem or Borrower saved file
  2. Select Borrower > DisplayFile or Stockitem > DisplayFile and select the file to display in the Table
  3. Highlight the items/borrowers to have their memos deleted. To select more than one item, press the Ctrl key and click the particular items with the left mouse button for individual items. To select a range of items, highlight the first item in the range. Find the final item for the range and press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button.
  4. Select Table > MassMemoDelete 
  5. Select the deletion options according to the table below for Memo Type and date
  6. Select OK 

    Options can be chosen from the Mass Memo Delete Window:



    Memo Date

    Ignore the date when deleting Memos

    No check of the Date is performed when deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table

    Only Delete Memos within a Date range

    Minimum Date

    The date entered in this Field (e.g. 01/11/03) will be used as a beginning range for deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table

    Maximum Date

    The date entered in this Field (e.g. 31/03/04) will be used as an ending range for deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table


    Ignore the type when deleting memos

    No check of the MemoType is performed when deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table

    Only delete memos with the below type

    Only Memos with the Memo Type entered in the Memo Type Field (e.g. YAO) will be deleted from the Stockitems highlighted in the Table

  7. Once memos are successfully deleted, a message box will appear, detailing how many Memos were deleted.