Wand into file

Learn how to wand items into a selected file in Amlib.

Items can be wanded into a selected file. This is useful if you wish to use the group of items in a Report e.g. Spine Labels or wish to create a file for the Mass Deletion or Change of items e.g. MassReturn of Items to SLOWA.

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Open the Stockitem module
  3. Select File > WandIntoFile – the Wand Into File screen will open
  4. Click the F4 Select button – the Stockitem Saved Query Results screen will open
  5. Highlight an existing file, or click the F1 New button to add a new file (name it and then click the F3 Save button)
  6. Saved File: = selected file (for example: Add Subject Headings or Spine labels)
  7. Scan all items
  8. Close out of Wand Into File window when complete
  9. In Stockitem module, select File > DisplayFile – the Stockitem Saved Query Results screen will open
  10. Highlight the saved file (for example: Spine labels) and click the F9 Select button
  11. Highlight all the items in the table
  12. Select XReferences > Catalogue
  13. This will bring up the table in the Catalogue module
  14. Select File > Save All
  15. Highlight an existing file, or click the F1 New button to add a new file (name it and then click the F3 Save button)
  16. Click the F9 Select button. This will bring up the table of items and the use of Menu Options.

Table menu options

Add to reserve list

The file contents are added to the Reserves Items List. The Reservation application is activated, ready to enter the Borrower Identity. The items can then be reserved by pressing [F2] for all items, or select the items from the Item list and press [F3] to reserve the highlighted items.


This enables a File of items to be changed in regard to Due Date without having to find the borrowers and items to renew them. However, the process will only apply to items with a date due format (not hourly format) and will not check the Calendar for closed dates.


Ensure the date entered is a valid date and not a closed date, as no checking will occur

Save the items to a File. If it is a new File press New [F1] and type a description. Press Save [F3].

Highlight the File and press [F9] Select or create a new file, save and select. Close out of the Files and go back to the Stockitem window and select File > Display File. Select the relevant File and highlight the items to which the Mass Date Change will apply.


Stockitems can be deleted “en masse” by creating a table of Stockitems. From the Stockitem screen, perform a query from a relevant field or wand into a file. From a resulting table, select the Stockitems to be deleted by highlighting the rows. To select more than one item, press the Control key and click the particular items with the left mouse button for individual items. To select a range of items, highlight the first item in the range. Find the final item for the range and press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button.

This option is useful when returning SLOWA (State Library of Western Australian) stock or to facilitate the weeding of the collection, particularly in relation with the Wand in File facility

From the Table menu, select MassItemDelete. You will be given the option to receive a confirmation at each deletion.

No: All items highlighted in the table will be deleted, unless

  • the item is on loan
  • has reservations or memos
  • If the Stockitem is the last for the catalogue, the catalogue will also be deleted
  • No messages display.

Yes: Each item’s ID will display.

  • Messages will also display if the item cannot be deleted (e.g. the item is on loan, has reservations or memos).


It is possible to attach memos to Stockitems “en masse” by creating a table of items. From the Stockitem Details screen, perform a query from a relevant field e.g. VI in the Form Type field or Wand into file. Select the items to be given memos by highlighting the rows. To select more than one item, press the Control key and click the particular items with the left mouse button for individual items. To select a range of items, highlight the first item in the range. Find the final item for the range and press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button.

After highlighting the items to have Memos created, selecting Table > MassMemoAllItems, will result in a text box displaying, in which the message can be typed. If a Memo Type is selected, the Text of the Memo Type will appear in the Message Box.

Pressing [F3] Save will result in the Memos being created. A message will display when complete.

Mass Memo Data



The operator is alerted every time the Item’s identity is entered.


The memo can be view from the Item memo option.


The date (in the format of dd/mm/yyyy) to begin showing the memo. This is defaulted to today’s date, which may be altered.

End Date

The date (in the format of dd/mm/yyyy) to finish showing the memo. This is defaulted to the date as calculated in Supervisor > Installation > Stockitem > “Delete memo after xx days”. This may be altered.


This field is optional. A type of memo can be entered to assist with deletions, reporting, queries etc. The Memo types can be entered in Supervisor > Application > MemoTypes. It is often useful to have a memo type for reporting and enquiry purposes. It can also save time when the memo is being entered.


Text of up to 250 characters can be entered. The Message will be automatically entered if a MemoType is selected first.


It is possible to delete memos from Stockitems “en masse” by selecting items from a table of Stockitems.

  1. From the Stockitems Details screen, perform a query or select a file of items.
  2. From a resulting table, select the Stockitems whose memos will be deleted, by highlighting the rows. To select more than one item, press the Control key and click the particular items with the left mouse button for individual items. To select a range of items, highlight the first item in the range. Find the final item for the range and press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button.

By selecting Table > MassMemoDelete, a Window allows the User to select from a combination of Date range AND/OR Memo Types. Set the Memo date section or the Memo Type section. If you have both Date and Type clauses you may set both sections and perform and AND search.

Options can be chosen from the Mass Memo Delete Window.

button/field   explanation
Memo Date
Ignore the date when deleting Memos No check of the Date is performed when deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table
Only Delete Memos within a Date range Minimum Date The date entered in this Field (e.g. 01/11/03) will be used as a beginning range for deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table
Maximum Date The date entered in this Field (e.g. 31/03/04) will be used as an ending range for deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table
Ignore the type when deleting memos No check of the MemoType is performed when deleting the Memos from the items highlighted in the Table
Only delete memos with the below type Only Memos with the Memo Type entered in the Memo Type Field (e.g. YAO) will be deleted from the Stockitems highlighted in the Table

Once memos are successfully deleted, a message box will appear, detailing how many Memos were deleted.


Used to add reservations to copies where other items sharing that same Catalogue Reference have reservations. For example, if an item added to the Database shares a Catalogue with other copies that have reservations. Add items in the usual way. If the other items with the same Catalogue records have Reservations, a message will display.

Highlight the items that have the same Catalogue Reference from the Table and select ReserveShuffle from the Table menu. A ReAllocate Stockitem Reservation screen is displayed. (Reserve Shuffle will only work if the items have the same catalogue reference). Highlight the reservations you wish to add to the new item. Select [F2] Addto.

This will add all the highlighted reserves from the existing item to the new item. Select [F3] Save. To trigger the reservation, the new item can be placed through Returns.


This menu option is useful for maintenance of Stockitem Records.

MassItemChange will only become available after displaying a Saved File as the file references are used to determine which borrowers on the Database will be changed

After conducting a query to select the Stockitems to change, save the results into a file. After saving the file, close the Table and go back to the Stockitem Details screen. Select File > DisplayFile. Select [F9] the appropriate file. From the Table menu, choose MassItemChange.

Box 1: Choose Columns to Change

Select the Field to change by double clicking the correct field. For example, STATSCODE.

Box 2: Select Value Else Type after paste

If the Field selected in Box1 is a field with an associated list of choices. The options will display after the Field is double clicked. You are then able to select the Value to which the Field will be updated during the MassItemChange.

Box 3: Click….

Click the Paste Button to insert the code into Box 4 or to insert the field ready for an entry of text.

Box 4: Repeat from 1

Box 4 contains the data, which will change when [F3] Save is selected. This box can contain one change or multiple changes to Stockitem data.

You do not need AND or OR connectors to change more than one field in an operation. For example, to change all items from Reference to Non Fiction AND to set their For Loan from N to Y, this requires 2 statements without an AND connector

If the field is one which does not require a code, but text, select the Field from Box 1. Click the Paste button and type the data between the inverted commas in Box 4. The text is inserted into the relevant field for the selected Stockitems after selecting [F3] Save.

If the text to be included is a date in the Year 2000 or beyond, the format should be dd/mm/yyyy, e.g. 06/10/2000

If the text is to be removed, select the field and click the Paste button. Leave the inverted commas without adding text or spaces etc. The field will become null when [F3] Save is selected.


The MassItemChange occurs on the entire file. You do not have to select the Stockitems first and highlighting certain Stockitems does not select them for the change. The change occurs on every Stockitem in the file

Continue Query

See Stockitem: Continue Query.

Restart Query

See Stockitem: Restart Query

Print [F6]

The report prints to the screen as a Print Preview for the selected items. If you require the report to be sent to the printer, select the Print icon. Selecting the arrow keys at the top of the report can scroll pages


Scroll to the beginning of the report


Scroll back one page


Scroll forward one page


Scroll to the end of the report

Report [F7]

Allows a number of items on a table to be selected for reporting. This option calls up a list of reports (as per the reports module) and one of these formats may be selected for a view and print.

Only the reports available in Stockitem Reports display. For more selections, it is possible to set up new templates. See Stockitem Reports

For example, a listing of new items may be required, giving brief details. The Title, Author Call no. Form Report Type (&STKTACT) may be the one selected.

The report is viewed by selecting [F8] View

An order sequence may also be defined if required by selecting [F9] Order before the report is viewed. Select the Sort option from the Columns Window by highlighting the field. Use the Blue arrow to enter this field into the Order By Window. Line 1 in this Order Window relates to the Lines in the Stockitem Screen. Order is usually by Line 1 (Title), Line 2 (Author) or Line 6 (Call No).

Often the Report Description is incorporated into the Report Heading, depending on the Report Type selected

The report can then be sent to a printer by selecting the Print icon.


Stockitems display in Title Sequence (unless the window is the result of a WhereSelect when you can allocate your own sequence). The sequence option from the Table menu may be used to sort the table in the order of your choice. Highlight the relevant field from the Column box and select either Increasing or Decreasing from the Sort Sequence options.



Displays a list of Authorities for all marked Stockitems. To highlight more than one Borrower, press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button for a range of items, and Control key and click with the left mouse button for individual items.


Displays a list of Borrowers who have items on loan for any of the marked Stockitems. To highlight more than one Item, press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button for a range of items, and Control key and click with the left mouse button for individual items.


Displays a list of Catalogues for the marked Stockitems. To highlight more than one Item, press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button for a range of items, and Control key and click with the left mouse button for individual items. If only one order is found for the Query, the display of the Catalogue for that particular Stockitem will appear.


Displays an Order list for the marked Stockitems. To highlight more than one Item, press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button for a range of items, and Control key and click with the left mouse button for individual items. If only one order is found for the Query, the display of the Order line for that particular Stockitem will appear.

Periodical Copies

Displays the Periodicals copies for all marked Stockitem. To highlight more than one Item, press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button for a range of items, and Control key and click with the left mouse button for individual items.


Items on loan to borrower

Displays all Stockitems on loan to the borrower who has the current Stockitem on loan.

Items with same Catalogue

Displays all Stockitems that share the Catalogue Id.


The File Window below will appear whenever you select any of the menu choices. The data table will show files that you have created. To view any files created by other users select Others [F8].


Saves all the borrowers from the table window into a nominated file. You are given the opportunity to select the file or create a new file once you select this option. The system will display the number of records inserted into the file.


Saves the Stockitems highlighted from the table window into a nominated file. To highlight more than one Stockitem, press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button. You are given the opportunity to

select the file or create a new file once you select this option. The system will display the number of records inserted into the file.


Saves all the non-highlighted items from the table window into a nominated file. To highlight more than one Stockitems, press the Shift key and click with the left mouse button (to indicate which Stockitems you do not wish to save). You are given the opportunity to select the file or create a new file once you select this option. The system will display the number of records inserted into the file.


Removes all records from the existing file.


Removes highlighted records from the file that is currently in use.


Removes those records not highlighted from the file that is currently in use.


Removes those records highlighted from any file.