
Learn how to use the StockWandChange facility to define a set of changes and apply those changes to all items.

This facility is used to define a set of changes and apply those changes to all items:

  1. Individually from the Barcode (select Start and begin wanding the Item Numbers) [F6]
  2. From a File [F7]
  3. From a Saved Where Search [F8]

Stockwand change – Setting values to change

  1. Launch the Amlib Client
  2. Go to Main > StockItems> StockWandChange – the Stockitem Wand Change screen will display
  3. Choose the Column to Change box 1: select a parameter – for example: Process
  4. Type the new Value into box 2

     Note: A list of codes can be accessed from box 2 by entering a full stop and pressing the Tab key on your keyboard. The Special button can be used for assigning Date ranges using the Current Date which can be very useful.

  5. Click the Paste Button
  6. The values to change will display in the Columns at the base of the screen

Using the Special button

Useful for selecting the Current Date and perhaps minus (or Add) a number of days of Months.

  1. Click the red Special button – the Update prompt will display:
  2. Select/enter your date parameters
  3. Click the Paste button

Executing the changes

The Changes can be applied in one of 3 methods:

1. Individually from the barcode

  1. Click the F6 Start button – the Start prompt will display containing a confirmation message:
  2. To proceed, click the Yes button
  3. Begin wanding the Items into the Item No field for the changes to be applied



2. From a saved file

  1. Click the F7 FrFile button – the Stockitem Saved Query Results screen will display
  2. Highlight the relevant File (saved previously) and click the F9 Select button – the Mass Change from file prompt will display with the number of items to change defined as well as the File selected:
  3. Review the message and if the information is correct click the Yes button to proceed
  4. A prompt with the following message will display when complete: The XX Stockitems have been Updated.



3. From a saved where search

  1. Select the F8 FrWhere button – the Saved Queries screen will display
  2. Highlight the relevant saved Where Search (Saved previously) and click the F9 Execute button – the Mass Change from Saved Where prompt will display with the number of items to change defined as well as the Where Search selected:
  3. Review the message and if the information is correct click the Yes button to proceed
  4. A prompt with the following message will display when complete: The XX Stockitems have been Updated.


Saving a StockWandChange

A Stockwand Change can be saved for future use:

  1. With the Stockwand Change parameters displayed click the F2 Insert button – the Saved Stock Wand Changes screen will display:
  2. Type a Description in the field at the bottom of the screen
  3. Click the F3 Save button

Reusing a StockWandChange set of parameters

  1. Go to Main > StockItems> StockWandChange – the Stockitem Wand Change screen will display
  2. Click the F4 Select button – the Saved Stock Wand Changes screen will display
  3. Highlight the required StockWand Change
  4. Click the F9 Select button
  5. The parameters will display where the items can be selected by wanding, from a File or from a Saved Where search