New stockitem record

Learn how to add Stockitems in Amlib.

Adding Stockitems

This section assumes that a Catalogue record already exists for an item. If you don’t immediately choose to create a Stockitem record when a Catalogue record is created, you can select XReferences > Stockitems from the Catalog menu to initiate the process.

  1. A prompt will display with the following message: No Stockitems exist for the Catalogue. Do you wish to create a new Item?
  2. Click on the Yes button – a New Stockitem prompt will display with the following message:
    Please choose a Form Type for the new Stockitem
  3. Choose the appropriate Form type and click on the OK button – the Stockitem main screen will enter creation mode (the F2 Insert button will appear bolded) and a number of fields will be pre-populated:
  4. Complete the other fields as required – for example: Stats Code, Current Cost, Floor location, etc – to access a list of codes in a field press .<TAB>

    For example: in the Stats Code field, pressing .<TAB> will display a list of your Stats Codes and Descriptions – double-click on a entry to select it
  5. Scan in barcode in the Item No field (if you wish to create a system-generated barcode, leave this field blank)
  6. Click on the F2 Insert button when complete – the following prompt will appear: The Item has been Inserted.
  7. Click on the OK button

Multiple copies

To enter multiple copies of the same catalogue item:

  1. Scan in a new barcode into the Item No field – the F2 Insert button will once again become bolded
  2. Change any other details as required – for example: Stats Code, Copy No and Floor location
  3. Click the F2 Insert button when complete.