Special screen messages

Learn how to apply a reservation message parameter and a borrower memo parameter in Amlib SIP2.

It is possible to edit a System Message to include text – for example, to have a Reservation alert first if applicable before a System Message. Another example would be to include a Borrower Memo when a Borrower looks at their details.

Applying a reservation message parameter

  1. Go to Instances Menu in Sip2 Manager

  2. Highlight the Instance

  3. Click Edit Parameters

  4. The Instance Parameters window will display

  5. Click New

  6. Enter the Description of Reservation Message
  7. Enter the Message to be viewed – for example, Reserved at
  8. Enter the Message Type from the Drop-down list – this will be System
  9. Enter the Source Type – this will be Database
  10. Enter the Source Value for the Table – choose Reservation from the Drop-down list
  11. Also enter the Source Value for the Column – choose CollectLocation from the Drop-down list
  12. Click Apply

Applying a Reservation Message

  1. Go to Instances Menu in Sip2 Manager
  2. Highlight the Instance
  3. Click Edit Message
  4. The Instance Messages window will display
  5. Highlight the Response appropriate – for example, Checkin Response
  6. Select Edit Fields
  7. Highlight Screen Message
  8. Select Edit Values
  9. Enter New
  10. Select the Reservation message from the Drop-down list of Values
  11. Leave the Type as Or
  12. Select Apply
  13. The Reservation Message will display under the System – Screen Message
  14. Highlight the Reservation message line
  15. Click Up to move it above the System Screen Message
  16. Click OK
  17. When a Reservation is due for Collection a Reservation Message will display

Applying a Borrower Memo Parameter

  1. Go to Instances Menu in SIP2 Manager
  2. Highlight the Instance
  3. Click Edit Parameters
  4. The Instance Parameters window will display
  5. Click New
  6. Enter the Description of Borrower Memo
  7. Enter the Message to be viewed – for example, Memo :
  8. Enter the Message Type from the Drop-down list – this will be System
  9. Enter the Source Type – this will be Action
  10. Enter the Source Value for the Action – choose BorrowerMemo Text from the Drop-down list
  11. Click Apply

Applying a Borrower Memo Message

  1. Go to Instances Menu in SIP2 Manager
  2. Highlight the Instance
  3. Click Edit Message
  4. The Instance Messages window will display
  5. Highlight the Response appropriate – for example, Patron Information Response
  6. Select Edit Fields
  7. Highlight Screen Message
  8. Select Edit Values
  9. Enter New
  10. Select the Borrower Memo from the Drop-down list of Values
  11. Leave the Type as Or
  12. Select Apply
  13. The Borrower Memo will display under the System – Screen Message
  14. Highlight the Reservation message line
  15. Click Up to move it above the System Screen Message
  16. Click OK
  17. If the borrower has a memo, the Screen message field will contain the text for the memo. Otherwise the System Default Screen Message text will be present